Ewing sarcoma and bone cancer

Ewing sarcoma is a form of primary bone cancer. Primary bone cancer is different from secondary bone cancer in that the cancer begins in the bone. In secondary bone cancer, the cancer begins somewhere else and spreads to the bone.

Bone cancer is very rare and primary bone cancer is even rarer. Other types of primary bone cancer include:

  • osteosarcoma
  • malignant fibrous histiocytoma
  • chondrosarcoma


Bone cancer symptoms may appear similar to other illnesses. As a matter of fact, Ewing sarcoma is so rare that, if your child has any of the following symptoms, he probably does not have bone cancer. Still, it’s a good idea to be aware of the symptoms and have your child checked out to rule out a serious condition.

The signs of Ewing sarcoma include:

  • Painful bones and joints
  • Swelling of bones and joints
  • Problems with movement
  • Susceptibility to fractures
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Tiredness
  • Fever and sweating

Diagnosis and treatment

If your child’s doctor suspects he has osteosarcoma, he will do a series of tests that may include bone scans, biopsies, and MRI’s. Treatment may include radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and/or surgery to remove the affected bone and surrounding tissue.


Written by Rebecca Stigall for Kidspot, New Zealand’s parenting resource for family health.

One Comment

  1. Sandhya 22/09/2017 at 11:30 pm

    Nice blog and great information about Ewing sarcoma and bone cancer. Thanks for sharing this blog.

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