Father’s Day Poem: It’s true

Father’s Day Poem: It’s true

Father's Day is one of the best times to tell Dad just how you feel. Let Dad know you love him and remind him of all the great gifts you have given him over the years, and the not-so-great ones too!

What you need:

Number of players:


Father’s Day is special to me,
Breakfast in bed and presents to see,

Tools or socks you always smile,
Except when I got you that hanky pile!

Making your card is the most fun,
Filling it with glitter and watching you run.

Putting a hand print inside for you,
Next year, it will be bigger – it’s true!

Collect my hand prints as I grow older,
Place them in a special folder,

For I will one day have hands like you,
Big and bold Dad – yes, it’s true!


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