10 Baby Essentials For New Parents

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Having a new baby can be an exciting and overwhelming time for many new parents. On top of everything else, it can be hard figuring out exactly what essentials to have before bub arrives.

To help simplify your decision-making, we’ve put together a list of brands and products we feel will make the journey into the world of parenting easier. Check out our list of baby essentials below.

1. Pram from Edwards & Co

Edwards & Co Pram

A pram will be one of the most used items you buy so it’s important to get it right. Designed by parents, Edwards & Co has a range of prams that will give the smoothest possible ride.

Choose from the more adventurous 3-wheeler Oscar, or Olive the single-to-double pram – perfect for future proofing your family. Both feature compact frames which are ideal for days spent cruising the city.

The stand-out list of features includes a UPF50+ canopy, generous storage basket, swift easy-fold, and a handy newborn insert making them suitable from newborn to 22kgs – ensuring families have everything they need, wherever they go.

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2. Kids Detangler & Conditioner

Made4Kids Detangler & Conditioner

Effortlessly tackle the morning hair tangle for a tear-free start to the day with Made4Kids Spray-In Conditioner.

Crafted from natural ingredients, this innovative product comes in a convenient spray application. Simply apply the conditioner and with just a few gentle brush strokes, the hair becomes smooth and manageable.

Choose from a refreshing watermelon scent or fragrance-free for sensitive scalps.

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3. Safe, hand finished baby essentials from Cute Cuddles

Cute Cuddles

Babies love to put things in their mouths – in fact it’s an essential part of their development. But this means you’ll want to ensure the products they can get their hands on are safe.

Cute Cuddles specialise in unique baby essentials – from dribble bibs and sensory items to cuddly toys, quilts and much more. All hand-finished and with no small plastic parts, making them safe from birth, Cute Cuddles brings you natural fibres using only cotton and cotton/bamboo blends.


4. Rascal + Friends Premium Nappies

Rascal + Friends

Nappies are going to be an important part of your life, day and night, for the next few years at least.

Rascal + Friends premium nappies tick all the boxes: affordable, super absorbent, made to move in, free from nasties, fit like a dream and perform exceptionally.

Expertly designed with innovative absorbency features such as unique 3D core technology, a stretchy high-back waistband, deep pocket and 3 layers of protection giving 12 hours leak free.

Made with feather soft materials that contain no nasties they are ultra-gentle and safe on sensitive skin. 

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5. Glow Sleep Easy

Glow Sleep Easy

The importance of sleep cannot be overstated – it plays a vital role in everyone’s health and well-being and it’s one of parenting’s biggest frustrations.

Glow Dreaming are pioneers in the sleep space, developing products to ensure families get the sleep they need. The Glow Sleep Easy combines all the features you need to get the sleep you deserve; it’s the smart sleep device that will enrich your sleep routine, reduce night waking and prevent early waking in one sleek, app-enabled unit.

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6. Co-sleeping crib

By My Side Co Sleeper

In the first few months of parenting, it can be a real sleep saver for you and your baby if they’re able to sleep safely with you. A co-sleeper attaches to the side of your bed and enables you to settle them easily if they stir, keeping them close for a feed or a cuddle without having to get out of bed.

The By My Side Co Sleeper from Teeny Weeny enables you to sleep close to your child without having to be in the same bed.

Plus you can put the side up and turn it into a crib. It also has wheels so you can move it around the house, folds easily into a travel bag when you’re on the move, and can be inclined to help with a cold or reflux.

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7. Car seat

Cozy N Safe Comet 360 Degrees Rotation Car Seat

If you’re going to be travelling with your baby in a car, a car seat is essential – in fact, they are required to be in an approved child restraint through to their 7th birthday. When they’re first born you might like to use a capsule style that you can easily remove from the car and carry your baby snugly in (even better get one that has stroller wheels it can click into). It’s possible to get a car seat that will take them from newborn all the way through.

The Cozy N Safe Comet 360° Rotation Car Seat will grow with your little one from birth all the way to 36kg. The 360° Rotation refers to the ability to turn it around meaning you can easily put your child in and out.

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8. Baby Monitor


Baby monitors are the ultimate peace of mind equipment. If you want to be able to remotely hear, see, or talk to your baby, a monitor is for you. You can also get monitors that will keep an eye on their breathing, measure the room temperature, emit a calming night light or even play tunes or sounds.

The Vtech Video & Audio Baby Monitor BM2800 is a full colour video and audio monitor features the ability to tilt and zoom, as well as two-way communication and a temperature sensor. Parent unit has a 2.4 inch colour display and the camera on the baby unit has vertical angle adjustment, infra-red for night use and digital zoom.

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9. Automatic baby rocker

Maxi Cosi Cassia Swing

Parents of babies who need a bit of rocking to ward off the unsettled witching hour, the discomfort of colic or reflux or just to resettle, will love a baby rocker. Of all the amazing baby products on the market, an automatic baby rocker would be one that parents of the past would have loved most.

Maxi-Cosi Cassia instinctively knows when and how to rock your baby when they’re fussy, thanks to the automatic motion detector. The Cassia simply activates the swing when it recognizes your baby needs some extra comfort until you get there. With two recline positions and 360⁰ rotation, 5 swing speeds and 2 directions, this lightweight and stylish swing plays soothing melodies and can be plugged in or run with batteries.

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10. Breast Pump

Avent breast pump

A breast pump is most commonly used to help increase supply or enable someone else to feed the baby breastmilk if you cannot for any reason.

Enter a new era of expressing with a perfect balance of suction and nipple stimulation inspired by the natural way babies drink. The Philips Avent electric breast pump keeps milk flow at an optimum, and gently adapts to your nipple size and shape. The closed expression system means milk stays out of tubing so there’s less to clean and fwer parts also make it a breeze to put back together again.

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Honourable mention

Keep the sun out of your baby and toddlers eyes with WindowSox. Custom made to fit snugly and easily over the rear passenger door-window frame of your car. This allows your windows to be opened or closed for shade, fresh air flow and insect protection whether driving or parked.

Keep babies snuggly wrapped and their sharp little fingernails away from their face amazing Miracle Blanket – it’s easy to get the swaddle right every time and can be used as baby grows. Made from soft cotton with no buttons, snaps or velcro.

Check a grizzly babies temperature in seconds with the Omron MC720 Forehead Thermometer. Simply hold it 1-3 cm from baby’s forehead and press start. It also has a backlit display and can measure the room temperature too.

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