All You Need To Know About Parasitic Worms

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Worms are one of the most common childhood conditions and while there are many types of worms that can infect humans, the most likely culprit in children in New Zealand is the threadworm.

Types of worms include:

  • Threadworm – also known as pinworm
  • Ringworm – not a parasitic infection at all but a persistent fungal infection
  • Hookworm – rare in New Zealand
  • Whipworm – rare in New Zealand
  • Tapeworm – occurs in New Zealand, particularly in sheep farming areas
  • Roundworm – while rare in New Zealand, this is the most common parasitic infection in the world


What are threadworms?

Threadworms are small thin white worms that range in length from around to 12mm long. They live for around 6 weeks in the gut but before they die the female will lay eggs around the anus.

How are threadworms spread?

Threadworms are mostly spread by eating the eggs of the worm, which results in infestation. Because threadworms live in the intestines, they can be found in your child’s poo. Threadworms are most likely to be spread to and by children who don’t wash their hands thoroughly, because of their tendency to put their fingers in their mouths after scratching other body parts! The eggs can get into your carpets and household linen and be inadvertently picked up and swallowed. Direct transfer from pet to human does not occur.

Are threadworms serious?

Mild to moderate threadworm infections aren’t serious, but if your child ingests hundreds of eggs, they may suffer from:

  • urinary tract infections (UTI)
  • weight loss
  • infections in other parts of the body

If left unattended, many kids who are infected with threadworms outgrow the infection when all of the adult worms leave the body.

Can I prevent threadworms?

The best way to prevent catching threadworms is to practice good hygiene. Teach your child to thoroughly wash their hands and clean under fingernails. Fingernails should be kept short and discourage them from scratching their bottom. Because threadworm eggs can survive for several weeks on clothing, bedding, and surfaces you will need to wash clothes and bedding regularly and vacuum regularly.

How do I know if my child has threadworms?

A few weeks after threadworm eggs are ingested, adult threadworms leave the intestines and lay eggs around your child’s anus, causing your child to experience itching and making them scratch the affected area. You may also notice adult threadworms in your child’s poo or threadworm eggs around their anus. They might also be having broken sleep, grinding their teeth in bed,  and being a bit irritable during the day.

How do I treat threadworms?

De-Worm Extra Strength 500mg Tablets 10s Family Pack

DeWorm Extra Strength is an over-the-counter single-dose tablet for the treatment of threadworms. These chocolate-flavoured chewable tablets are five times stronger than other products on the market and are suitable for children from 2 years and up as well as adults.

If one family member has worms (or you suspect they have), it’s best to treat all eligible family members. For children under 2 years, check with your doctor. You can purchase DeWorm Extra Strength from pharmacies nationwide in packs of 2, 4, or 6 tablets, or grab the family 10 pack.

TAPS 2201DZ (22/037)

Should I call the doctor?

Mainly, you can sort out a threadworm infection with a trip to the chemist, but if you are concerned or unsure, consult your child’s doctor for confirmation of the infection and a treatment plan. Consult your doctor if you suspect your child under 2 years has threadworms or if you are pregnant and think you have been infected.


Roundworm eggs are inadvertently eaten by people, and then the eggs hatch in the intestines and live there. Roundworm infections, called ascariasis, are among the most common parasitic infections in the world. You can’t get roundworms from other people, only from contaminated food and water. Infections are most often picked up when people travel to underdeveloped countries. They are not common in New Zealand.

What causes ascariasis?

Ascariasis infections are caused by intestinal roundworms. People become infected when they swallow the eggs. Eggs are found in soil or in produce grown in infected soil. Unlike most other worm infections, you can’t get ascariasis from another person – infections occur as the result of swallowing contaminated food and water. These infections are most commonly picked up in developing countries.

Is roundworm serious?

Roundworm infections can be serious. If the worms aren’t treated, they can migrate to the lungs or to the liver, where they can damage these vital organs.

How can I prevent roundworm infections?

Ensure that when you travel, you are careful to drink only bottled water and eat only hot foods. Wash your hands often and thoroughly, and teach your kids to wash their hands for at least ten seconds.

How do I know if my child has ascariasis?

Some people never know they have a roundworm infection. Sometimes, mums see worms in their child’s poo and that’s the first sign that they get that their child has been infected. Diarrhoea, sometimes bloody, is the most common symptom. In severe infections, you might find worms or eggs in your child’s nose or mouth. If the infection has spread to her lungs, your child might have coughing, wheezing, or trouble breathing. Severe intestinal infestations might include vomiting, abdominal pain, and weight loss.

How do I treat ascariasis?

There are over-the-counter and prescription medications to treat threadworm infections. Sometimes more than one course of medication is necessary to clear up the infestation. In very severe cases, surgery might be necessary to repair the damage caused by the infection and to remove lingering worms.

Should I call the doctor?

You should always call the doctor if your child has persistent diarrhea and is losing weight, especially if you have recently been travelling overseas. If your child has other symptoms of a roundworm infection, your doctor can perform tests even if you don’t find any worms in your child’s poo. You should call the doctor right away if your child shows signs of a roundworm infection of the lungs.

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