Teen party survival guide

You only have to read the headlines to know that a teen party at home can go horribly wrong. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Follow our guidelines and your teen can have a party at home that will be cool with their friends – and with you.

Keep the party off Facebook

It’s a good idea to keep your party off  all social media sites. ‘Police discourage the use of social networking websites and email to advertise parties as information can be easily forwarded to others who are not intended guests,’ says Assistant Commissioner Carlene York, spokesperson for Youth for the NSW Police.

Register your party with your local police station

This doesn’t mean that police will pop in uninvited, simply that they have the party on their radar and will react quickly should the need arise.

Be realistic

Is your home suitable for the size of the event your teen is planning? NSW Police suggests that you do not allow people to wander around or congregate out the front of your house. Try to confine the party to a backyard, building or enclosed area, as it is easier for you to supervise guests – as well as not drawing attention to the party for any potential gatecrashers.

Think about alcohol before the party begins

If your guests are under 18, you can’t serve them alcohol. It’s against the law. If it’s an 18th birthday party, you’ll need an idea of who is and who isn’t 18. If you supply alcohol to, or obtain alcohol for, anyone under 18, it can mean a fine of $2000.

Do you need bouncers?

Think about supervision/security for your party. Consider hiring licensed security personnel, particularly if you are expecting a large number of guests. While your teen may not want you to attend the party, adequate supervision is essential for a teen party. After all, you are deemed responsible and liable for the outcome of any party, so you have a very real requirement to be there. You may need to negotiate with your teen with regards to your presence, but make it clear that the more guests, the more control is needed.

Have a gatecrasher policy

Gatecrashers can be a very real problem. If they arrive, act quickly. Ask them to leave and, if they do not, contact the police.

Prepare your home

Much as you would put things out of the way of marauding toddlers, the same rules apply here. And put your valuables somewhere safe. Just in case.

Think about where to put the bar

Think about placing the bar away from the front door and keeping it small so that people will not congregate there. Food and snacks should be plentiful and within easy reach.

Have a taxi service on speed-dial

Think about how guests will get home. L-plate drivers have a zero alcohol limit. Have the number of a local taxi service handy.

Have fun!

“A few simple precautions and thorough planning can reduce the risk of issues arising and ensure a good time can be had by those attending,” says York.

This article was written by Allison Tait for Kidspot, Allison is the co-author of Career Mums: a guide to returning to work post-kids (Penguin).


  1. dawnblyth 06/01/2019 at 10:51 pm

    A few years before I have to think about this but these are great tips to take on board.

  2. Bevik1971 06/01/2019 at 10:37 pm

    Gee, times have changed 🙄. I just wouldn’t be letting my teen have a party, that’s all there is to it. Too many things can and do go wrong even if you think you have all the bases covered. Definitely not worth risking trouble I say 🤔

  3. Shelz69 06/01/2019 at 1:03 pm

    I like the bouncer idea if it was going to be a big party but I think instead of professional maybe I would ask some of the Dad of the children coming. They would probably appreciate being able to keep an eye on their children. I would probably start with small number first and then increase as time went on and monitor how the partys went to establish a good number of people.

  4. Alezandra 05/01/2019 at 11:18 pm

    Woah..bouncers? I don’t have a teen yet so this is such an eye opener for future teen parties. I might not be as confident to let my teen host it at home though. Maybe at another venue may be less of a mess and I don’t even want to bother the police by letting them know about a party.

  5. Shorrty4life1 04/01/2019 at 8:14 pm

    Very good tips for teen parties. I know my sister in law has alot of teen parties that end badly it’s quite sad to be honest when they are young mums also and when there’s no care in the world and houses are being dismantled because of it. That’s someone’s investment right there yet teens have no care and can not see that. Some teens are better than others though I guess. They’re not all as bad as this I hope.

  6. kymmage 04/01/2019 at 4:34 pm

    I would be so far out of my comfort zone. When we had parties at that age it was never more than 3 friends each. We were tame as, as teens. I think I’d freak out if my teens wanted a massive party at my house. Some good tips here though for those braver souls!

  7. Micht 04/01/2019 at 3:59 pm

    Great tips.. alot of neighbours an distant neighbours never consider their neighbourhood or the constraints of the size of home… this process of setting up for a party would bring peace of mind to the party house as well as its neighbours.. food for thought

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