Treat fishing
Go treat fishing and catch a pile of Halloween goodies this Halloween season. The kids will be delighted by the treats they catch and most importantly everyone is a winner with this fun activity.
What you need:
- Cardboard
- Paper clips
- Scissors
- Marker
- Chopsticks or wooden spoon
- String
- 2 magnets
- Masking tape
Number of players:
Cut out various Halloween shapes like pumpkins, witches, ghosts and moons.
Write the name of a treat on each shape and place in a bowl.
Attach a paper clip to each shape with tape.
Fill a separate bucket or tub with Halloween treats.
Using the masking tape, stick one end of the string to a chopstick or wooden spoon and the other end to the magnet.
When a player catches a shape, read the treat name on the shape and give the player the matching treat. Start fishing and see what you can catch!
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