Jokes for kids: Dogs

Dog-gone are the days of little laughter in the house when the kids get wind of these great kids’ dog jokes. From mutt ado about nothing to poochy perfection, we have it covered with these 10 top jokes for kids!


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Q. What happened when the dog went to the flea circus?
A. He stole the show!

Q. Why was the dog sweating so much?
A. He was a hotdog!

Q. What kind of dog likes baths?
A. A Shampoodle

Q. What dog keeps the best time?
A. A watch dog!

Q. What did one flea say to the other?
A. Should we walk or take a dog?

Q. What do you get if you cross a cocker spaniel, a poodle and a rooster?
A. Cockerpoodledoo!

Q. Why do dogs run in circles?
A. Because it’s hard to run in squares!

Q. What do you get if you cross a Beatle and an Australian dog?
A. Dingo Starr!

Q. What do you call a great dog detective?
A. Sherlock Bones!

Q. Why don’t dogs make good dancers?
A. Because they have two left feet!

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