Family dress up activity

    Family dress up activity

    Start dressing up with the kids and play some fun games. There is sure to be a few hats, a stretchy skirt or oversized shoes to fit everyone. There are so many occupations to try on with this family game of dressing up fun. Don't forget to take a few snaps for the album.

    What you need:

    • dress ups to fit the family
    • hats
    • mums old make up (optional)
    • camera


    Number of players:


    Gather all of your dress ups in the house. This can include anything from the kids costumes to the Santa hats put away for Christmas.

    Get some old lip stick out and splash some on the kids.

    Put on as many of the dress ups that will fit you and dress the kids in some of your older clothes.

    Pop on some beaded kids jewels and take some happy snaps. 

    Dressing up with the kids is great fun and they get to see you doing something a little silly too – they will have a ball!


    Things you can do while you are all dressed up include:

    • Have a game of hide and seek. There is something really cute about finding a princess in a tree.
    • Scrapbook your snaps. A collage or album of images remembering the time mum dressed up will be great for a future photo board.
    • Have a dance. Put on the radio and play some favourite tunes. Kids will love it if mum is dancing about in costume to the Wiggles.
    • Hold a concert. The princess and the police officer makes a great title!

    The limit is your own imagination, and of course your kids' imaginations.

    Image from Shutterstock.

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