Flags of the world: France

    Flags of the world: France

    Flags of the world are often taught to our children in middle primary school. They learn briefly about the history of the country and what the flag and its colours represent. Learn a little bit about France and its flag with this colouring printable flag for kids.

    What you need:

    • computer with internet access
    • printer
    • paper
    • coloured pencils or markers

    Number of players:


    French flag

    Became official: 1794

    Description: Whie is the national colour of France. This was teamed with those of the French militia, blue and red. These are the colours and the same design that have represented France since 1794. Blue is on the hoist side of the flag – the side which goes next to the flagpole.

    Print your own French flag to colour in. Below is a colour reference for you.


    • Thanks to our sister company Kidspot Australia for creating the printable flag template.

    Find more flags of the world colouring pages for kids:

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