Make a puppet: Chinese dragon

Make a puppet: Chinese dragon

Puppets and puppet shows can keep kids amused for hours. But what if they could make their own funky creation as well? We have just the thing with this Chinese dragon puppet.

What you need:

  • 2 paper plates
  • an egg carton
  • stapler
  • glue
  • paint and paintbrush
  • feathers and streamers

Number of players:


Step 1. Gather your supplies

Step 2. Cut one plate in half and fold the other in half as pictured. Cut the end of the egg carton off (these will be the eyes).

Step 3. Staple the plate edges together around the edges and glue or staple the egg carton section on top.

Step 4. Paint brightly and leave to dry.

Step 5. When dry, glue on feathers and streamers behind the eyes.


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