Science experiment: Worm watch

    Science experiment: Worm watch

    What happens when worms are under the ground? Make a mini worm farm and see exactly what happens. Make your predictions and watch as it unfolds before your eyes .Science experiments are all about observing so watch and learn with science.

    What you need:

    • large plastic bottle
    • soil
    • sand
    • dead leaves
    • water
    • earthworms
    • food wrap
    • dark paper
    • pencil

    Number of players:


    Cut the top off of a large plastic bottle. 

    Fill the bottle with layers of soil and sand.
    Add 4 teaspoons of water to the soil and put dead leaves at the top of the soil.

    Dig around some soil outside and try to find 2 or 3 earthworms and add them to your soil.

    Cover the bottle with food wrap and poke some holes in it with a pencil.

    Tape dark paper around the sides of the bottle.

    Add 2 teaspoons of water each day to keep the soil damp.
    After 2 weeks, take the dark paper off.
    You should see that the worms have mixed up the soil and made tunnels.


    • Don't forget to return the worms to where you found them.
    • Make sure you don't put the bottle into direct sunlight.

    Image from Shutterstock

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