Snake sock puppet

    Snake sock puppet

    Sock puppets are the ultimate “make, do and mend” activity: not only are you making use of odd socks but you are saving money otherwise spent on new toys.  This snake puppet works best with colourful argyle patterned socks.

    What you need:

    • 1 x colourful patterned sock
    • 1 x piece of red fabric scrap
    • 2 x white buttons for eyes
    • Needle and thread
    • Scissors
    • Black marker pen

    Number of players:


    Put the sock on your hand so that your thumb is in the heel and your fingers are in the toe.

    Test out making your puppet talk and take note of where its eyes, nose and tongue will be.

    Use the needle and thread to sew on two buttons for eyes.

    Using the black marker pen dot in two nostrils.

    Cut out a long forked tongue from your red fabric piece. Sew it in place.


    • You can use old pieces of clothing to source the buttons and extra scraps of material, that way nothing is wasted and you don’t even have to leave the house for craft supplies!

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