Kids – Keeping Parents Humble Since Forever

If, prior to parenthood, you had visions of what it was going to be like, odds on the reality hasn’t matched that vision. Sure, you’ve heard parents moaning but it couldn’t be that hard surely?

If reality has struck and you feeling as if you haven’t quite got this parenting lark sorted, have a browse of these epic parenting moments and memes and remind yourself no one said it was going to be easy (except you before you actually had kids).

Number 1’s and number 2’s

You can’t get away from the fact that wees and poo will all become an obsession – you will talk about it with random strangers, it will dominate any conversation you actually have with your partner and it will gift you many moments to be relived at your child’s 21st.

These Dad’s were so happy to pose with their beautiful bubbas until…

Dad and poo
Dad and baby poo

At least this Dad has the ocean right there to rinse off in.

Dad at beach

Livi needs to invest in a sieve that is exclusively used in the bathroom

While Momma Bear needs to make a quick trip to Walmart despite having a perfectly good potty at home.

You turn your back for a moment…

There is a reason parents think there is nothing as unnerving as a silent toddler…

This wee dot was happy to help with the painting.

Helping to paint

Meanwhile this one was ensuring the TV didn’t get nappy rash.


This family is lucky to have an artist in residence

atist in residence


Honestly we are just doing our best as parents, it’s just that when you least expect it, something goes wrong.

@AngelaCuming confessed on Twitter “… at least you are not that parent who lost one of her toddler twins and had to go pick him up from the pub where he had crossed railway tracks to get to”.

@hollie_days “Managed to lock my sleeping baby in a hotel room by herself and the hotel have had to break the door to get her out #DontShutTheInterconnectingDoor”.

At least they didn’t drop their child like these poor parents I guess!

parent fail
drop 2

And even famous parents get caught out as this Kourtney Kardashian triptych shows.


author robynWritten by Robyn Cody

Robyn creates content on Kidspot NZ. Her hobbies include buying cleaning products and wondering why things don’t then clean themselves, eating cheese scones with her friends, and taking her kids to appointments. 

Favourite motto to live by: “This too will pass”


  1. dawnblyth 02/06/2019 at 8:46 pm

    Its funny, we all talk about having these accidents etc as a parent but having them caught on camera is gold! One of the fails I can remember is when my now 10yr old son peed on the doctor while getting his hips checked – the doctor had to take his tie off and I remember him saying he hadn’t been peed on in years!

  2. kymmage 01/06/2019 at 12:29 pm

    Oh dear. Have had a few. Certainly have been covered in more bodily fluids than you would imagine. So much so I have an order of preference 😂 biggest parenting fail was definitely accidentally shutting the car door on my daughters hand! Luckily not fully and she was fine after some ice. Ekk

  3. SarahBlair 30/05/2019 at 3:59 pm

    After 6 kids and being around my 25 nieces and nephews I have so many parenting fail stories, but they are the things that we remember, the stories that come out at 21st parties and weddings, they are what makes life interesting, especially if the kids aren’t too scarred from them.

    My eldest daughter has rubbed vaseline into my parents, newly laid carpet, that never came out. My sister and I were shopping one day in a bathroom shop when her newly toilet trained son announced that they didn’t have toilet paper in the shop, when we asked him why he needed toilet paper he proudly showed us that he’d used the toilet, the display model in the front window of the shop, (for number twos) he had at least entertained the passers by…

  4. MuddledUpMolly 28/05/2019 at 8:41 pm

    Aww man my biggest parenting fail has been opening the car door for my daughter (just like the above picture) and her walking into the edge of the door 🙁 Broke my heart!!

  5. Alezandra 27/05/2019 at 9:30 pm

    I’m just too curious on how they get all these on camera. Like as parent…who actually has time to capture that epic fail moment. The door car bang on my kid or head bump when I put him in his car seat is my epic fail moments. I always feel so guilty and still it happens again.

  6. Micht 22/05/2019 at 9:28 pm

    My epic fail is probably not realizing what hit me with baby number 2… baby 1 was so good, easy, slept alot, listened to instruction etc… baby number 2 is the definition of defiant.. she is so confident in herself that nothing that is said can change her mind . Although i lose my patience quickly with her when i look at her i realize i would not trade a second of it all… they are both so different yet so much the same and my most painful times are when i realize how fast they have grown and are growing up…

  7. candyjanenz 20/05/2019 at 3:33 pm

    I think every child has the getting into Sudo Cream moment. The silence is always nice at first until you realise on no what are they getting in to.

  8. Shorrty4life1 18/05/2019 at 9:32 am

    Oh my goodness some of these photos are so funny. That would really suck getting a professional portrait then your baby poos or piddles on you lol. Yes I remember the saying silence is golden when you have kids but if your child is too silent maybe check what they’re upto. Other day was looking after my nephew so quite I havent gone baby sitting a little one in a while so I’m used to by older children now. Then I turned around he was smothering himself in vicks vapour rub lol it was everywhere. I thought oh my goodness I don’t miss these days at all 😂

  9. Bevik1971 13/05/2019 at 12:07 pm

    OMG these made me LOL! 🙂 I haven’t actually had a really bad fail like these ones thank goodness! My now 6 year old was rolling around the floor without a nappy on when she was a baby, she pooed then rolled around in it and even started to eat some hahahaha. Was pretty funny you have to laugh right?!?!

  10. Mands1980 10/05/2019 at 7:27 pm

    Wow these photos bring up memories of the kids when little they had a bath and were in there pyjamas next thing I walk out of room and come back to the fire open and ash everywhere including in the mouth. So it was straight back in the bath. The nappy cream all over the carpet was really bad and so hard to get out I certainly learned the hard way with it being rubbed all through the house.

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