ChildLife Essentials® Liquid Calcium with Magnesium

    product trial4.64 out of 5 – Kidspot mums would purchase ChildLife Essentials Liquid Calcium with Magnesium and recommend it to their friends and family.

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    How important is calcium in Childhood?

    ​Just about every parent knows that children require calcium to build strong bones and teeth. Calcium is one of the most abundant minerals in the human body; bones and teeth contain 99% of the calcium in the body while the remaining 1% is distributed in other areas.

    By the time your child reached age 17, almost 90% of their adult bone mass will already have been established. For this reason, it’s very important that your child gets enough calcium on a daily basis.

    It is during childhood that a child’s body is most capable of absorbing calcium. But the fact is, most children and teenagers aren’t getting the calcium they need to build peak bone mass. If the body does not get enough calcium from food or supplements, it will take it from the bones, which can cause calcium deficiency.

    Although it would be great if children could get the calcium they need through a calcium-rich diet, often it is not possible, either due to fussy eating, a restricted diet, or other circumstances. Children who drink soda, energy or caffeinated drinks absorb even less calcium because these substances may interfere with the way the body absorbs and uses calcium. But calcium is one nutrient kids cannot afford to skip.  Supplementation can help.

    ​You can support your child’s healthy bone development with ChildLife® Liquid Calcium with Magnesium.

    ChildLife® uses only the highest quality ingredients. ​This formula is gluten-free, casein-free, alcohol-free. It contains no milk, eggs, wheat, yeast, peanuts, tree nuts, fish or shellfish. No artificial colourings, flavourings or sweeteners.
    ChildLife® Liquid Calcium with Magnesium provides these 2 essential minerals, in citrate form, combined with Vitamin D3 and Zinc Citrate; this combination of nutrients is needed for optimum absorption and utilisation of this vital nutrient

    Other Ingredients
    Filtered Water, Fructose, Citric Acid, Natural Orange Flavour, Potassium Sorbate, and Xanthan Gum.

    Suggested Dosage
    For infants 6 months–1 yr: 1 teaspoon daily
    For children 1–3 yrs: 2 teaspoons daily
    For children 4 –8 yrs: 1 tablespoon daily
    For children 9–12 yrs: 2 tablespoons daily
    Shake well before use. Keep in a cool dry place. Give directly or mix with your child’s favourite drink.

    Taken at night before bed is ideal for its calming properties. Supplementation with ChildLife® Liquid Calcium with Magnesium can begin when your child starts eating solid foods.

    During pregnancy, calcium and magnesium play a crucial part in the growth and development of your baby’s skeletal system and is also intimately involved in the conduction of nerve impulses, as well as muscle, heart and arterial function.
    Dosage: up to 1000 mg daily with meals is recommended.

    Visit the ChildLife website for more information.

    We gave 30 registered trialists with children aged from 6 to 12 months old, the chance to trial and review ChildLife Essentials® Liquid Calcium with Magnesium. Read their reviews in the comments below.

    Each selected reviewer will receive:

    • 474ml bottle of ChildLife Essentials® Liquid Calcium with Magnesium in natural orange flavour

    (NB scroll to the bottom of the page to add your review as a comment).

    If you are selected to trial, the product will be sent to the address on your profile. Please check your address now to ensure that it is up to date. Not registered yet? Then signup now

    Kidspot Terms and Conditions: You will be required to post your review on our Product Trials page if you are selected. Your name and postal address will be given to the supplier for the purpose of delivery of the product only.


    1. TracyWilliams 13/06/2018 at 5:06 pm

      The kids love it. Great taste. Great sized bottle. Would be happy to purchase definitly! Thank you!

    2. Mummyoftwo 07/06/2018 at 3:51 pm

      My product was late getting to me but as soon as it arrived I gave some to mr 4 and mr 18 months and when I gave mr 4 his he said it’s a yummy drink and once he had some he said to me that was delicious can I have some more and he wasn’t happy when I said not till tomorrow

    3. Kayleigh Jukes 28/05/2018 at 8:32 pm

      It’s been over a week now of my 13 month old taking this supplement, and he’s still thoroughly enjoying it.

      He’s been cutting 4 premolars, and as a consequence hasn’t been sleeping well. I’m not sure if it’s the Magnesium in the supplement or not but he’s definitely been sleeping better since having it added into his diet, which is great; any product that helps his sleep without forming bad habits is amazing in my books!
      He also hasn’t been consuming as much dairy as I would like so the supplement gives me peace of mind that he’s getting what he needs in terms of Calcium intake.

      For how well received it has been as well as the added benefits that come with adding Magnesium and Calcium into my son’s diet to ensure he’s receiving the amounts he needs means I’m quite likely to purchase this, and am more than happy to recommend it to any parents I come across.

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