Modibodi Period and Leak-proof Underwear & Activewear

    product trial5 out of 5 – Kidspot mums would purchase Modibodi Period and Leak-proof Underwear & Activewear again and recommend them to their friends and family.


    Discover Modibodi – the original period undies

    With over 3 million pairs sold, Modibodi® is the #1 selling period underwear that has you covered for periods, light bladder leaks, sweat, and other drips.

    These are so much more than undies! Modibodi’s reliable protection has led the way since 2013, as a complete replacement for pads, tampons and liners – and a joy to wear everywhere. Made from high quality fabrics, the tech-savvy blend feels snug, silky and dry. So, you can ditch the disposables, feel safe, and even a little sassy for saving the planet. Join the other 9/10 women who would recommend Modibodi to a friend as the most absorbent and comfortable brand on the market!

    Modibodi is available in a range of absorbencies to suit your level of protection, day or night. The range includes underwear, swimwear, activewear, as well as maternity and post birth, plus the Red by Modibodi teen range.

    Modibodi period and leak-proof underwear and activewear:

    • Minimise odour
    • Anti-bacterial
    • Leak- proof
    • Wash & reuse
    • Available up to size 26

    Find out more at

    Read the reviews below!

    We gave 15 members the chance to trial Modibodi Period and Leak-proof Underwear or Activewear.

    • If you have received product for review, please scroll to the bottom of the page and add your feedback as a new comment. Upload your review photos to this Dropbox folder.
    • Each selected reviewer will receive 1 x pair of Modibodi Period and Leak-proof Underwear or Activewear. Please note that it is not possible to choose a colour for this trial.
    • JOIN the Mums Say NZ Facebook page and keep an eye out for review updates
    • PLEASE NOTE: You will be required to post a photo of the product as part of your review

    Please note

    • If you are selected to trial, the product will be sent to the address on your profile.
    • Please check your address now to ensure that it is up to date.
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    • Kidspot Terms and Conditions: Open to Kidspot members 18+ only. Only available for NZ residents. If you are selected, you will be required to use the product as soon as possible plus supply a review, as set out in our review instructions. Your name and postal address will be given to the supplier for the purpose of delivery of the voucher only.
    • Click here for full Terms and Conditions.

    See photos from our reviewers below


    1. Motheroffour 19/08/2020 at 12:44 pm

      #9 size 22. Would love to try this as am menopausal and need protection each day.

    2. Alezandra 13/08/2020 at 9:57 pm

      I experience menorrhagia or heavy prolonged bleeding. I’ve started the switch to a menstrual cup but not yet with period underwear. I still wear heavy overnight pads at night due to my severe bleeding. I didn’t realise the range of Modibodi offers, so many styles to choose from.
      It’s amazing and if given a chance, I would like to try the full seam brief for heavy to overnight (size 12). I am a little doubtful but if this is able to take the bleeding that I experience, it will be life changing.

    3. AP 11/08/2020 at 1:31 am

      I would like too trial Active Brief Light moderate size 12. As a mum of 4 I want too find a underwear that can support my active lifestyle with my children

    4. KarenVivar 09/08/2020 at 1:01 pm

      I would love to be considered to try #1 Size 8 please. I recently just got my period back after breastfeeding for 16 months and this will be perfect for me to try on for the first time.

    5. aaditiBehal 04/08/2020 at 10:22 pm

      a) Product: #8 Classic Bikini-Heavy-Overnight
      b) Your required SIZE: 10
      c) Why you would like to try this product: because I think it seems very comfortable and reusable and would like to try overnight version of this new brand.

    6. naenae82 04/08/2020 at 8:54 am

      #5 or # 10 in a size 26 please I’d love to trial these as we have just started as a family about being more sustainable using products that are better for the environment not having to use pads would be great an if they were as good as they sound my 3 girls will also be getting them be nice to have a drawer with actual period undies rather then period undies an pads

    7. Yasminn 30/07/2020 at 1:56 pm

      Hi, I’d love to try #9 or #4 in a size 18 please. I’ve been looking at making the change to period underwear and didn’t even know where to start. This would be a great opportunity to trial and then hopefully help decide.

    8. Kylietodd 28/07/2020 at 3:54 am

      Hi. I would like to trial #4 in a size 12. I have been thinking about how I can make managing my periods more sustainable and environmentally friendly. It is the one area I haven’t yet attacked. I have also been hesitant to try, wondering about the effectiveness of period underwear and would love to trial the product. If selected and the product is effective I would be converted and would love to introduce my daughter to the product from a young age too.

    9. Shorrty4life1 27/07/2020 at 6:42 pm

      I would love to try out the #15 underwear if I get the chance and size 14 please. I would love to try out this product as I’m right into the gym and hate finishing a workout with sweaty underwear on these would be perfect to not have to worry about sweat marks coming through to the outer of my exercise tights.

      • kristen.chadderton 04/08/2020 at 8:00 pm

        I’d be more than happy to trial any Modibodi’s you have left. I’d be a size 10 🙂

    10. sezone 27/07/2020 at 9:39 am

      I would love to trial the seamfree, classic or boy short full briefs overnight modibodi’s please. #5,10 & 11. I have a condition where I can longer wear silicone cups which I used for some years as an environmentally friendly alternative so these look like the perfect next option.

      Size 14-16. Thank you

    11. kylie.niretta 26/07/2020 at 9:26 pm

      I would love the chance to try out the Seamfree Full brief – Heavy Overnight in a size 12. Always try to find a way to lead and live a more sustainable life, this would be the perfect lifestyle choice. Thank you xx

    12. Haniburgess 25/07/2020 at 11:26 pm

      I would love to try number 13 in size 14. I am on my way to a more eco friendly living and using period underwear is the next step for me . I would love to try them to see how the work for me .

    13. Haniburgess 25/07/2020 at 11:23 pm

      I would love to try number 13 in size 14 .

    14. Rozvergara 24/07/2020 at 10:47 pm

      Hi would love to try this product –
      Seamfree Full Brief – Moderate-heavy – Sizes 8. Our office is doing a lot of research on sustainability and we talked about Kids nappies and it takes 50years for one Nappy to decompose because of its protective “leak proof” layer. Then I thought that since I use normal sanity napkin, I’m like my kid wearing a nappy. I would love to try this product and do my bit to save the planet.

    15. Purpleducks1 24/07/2020 at 6:07 pm

      I would love to try the classic full brief light to moderate in size 12! How amazing it would be to go product free! So good for the environment, all while feeling comfortable and leak free! Love it. 🥰

    16. Ruzan 24/07/2020 at 2:04 pm

      Number 5 size 8 please. I wanted to try period underwears for such a long time. They are amazing for making period more comfortable. I tend to forget to buy pads all the time and it is annoying to wear cloth pads when it happens in the middle of night. Would love to try and to make life easier. Besides love how eco friendly it is and will save lots of money and no waste for environment. Win win

    17. Mautopia 23/07/2020 at 3:59 pm

      I would LOVE to try Classic Full Brief – Heavy – Overnight – Size 18. I have just had baby #5 and have always wanted to try period underwear but just haven’t taken the plunge yet. Would love to start now but have always prioritised the money elsewhere. This would be a great opportunity to try before I buy and do my bit environmentally.
      Thanks so much.

    18. Kerijuice 21/07/2020 at 9:38 pm

      I’d love to try the CLASSIC BOYSHORT
      HEAVY-OVERNIGHT size 16 please.
      I’d love to try them for the leakage protection and for after I have my baby in a couple of weeks

    19. mooey06 21/07/2020 at 6:14 pm

      I would love to try the Seamfree Full brief, Heavy-Moderate overnight Size 14 please. I have always wanted to give period underwear a go but haven’t been able to afford it, this would definitely replace my tampons I use and therefore be more sustainable long term. Thank you

      • Hhjames_nz 27/07/2020 at 6:18 pm

        Number 10 size 18 would be amazing, I havent tried this brand and am yet to find a sustainable solution for overnight

    20. Robyn Lovewell 21/07/2020 at 5:21 pm

      I would love to trial the Active Running Shorts – Light-Moderate – Size 14 for my daughter… she has a tough time with heavy bleeds and is often very anxious about doing her sport, and wears lots of layers in case of leaks. Being a really active kid, I think these shorts could be brilliant for her confidence.

    21. nikki 20/07/2020 at 10:12 pm

      I would love to try Seamfree full brief moderate-heavy in size 22. Over the last 3 years I have looked into the reusable options however ended up pregnant with #3 and #4 but now that hubby has had the snip and we know NO MORE babies lol I would really love to give these a go. I would love to know if these would work for me but the price of initial outlay has put me off so far.

      • Tamz_wyatt 22/07/2020 at 12:23 am

        Classic boyshort -heavy-overnight size 10/S
        Would love to try these have been looking at different reusable period products of late partly due to being alot heavier since having my son and also because when i do have my period if i dont put product im using up or in locked cupboard find them all over house but not where need them

    22. KellyP10 20/07/2020 at 1:26 pm

      a) Product: #8 Classic Bikini-Heavy-Overnight
      b) Your required SIZE: 10
      c) Why you would like to try this product: because I think it is really important to reduce waste and would like to see if the overnight version is sufficient.

    23. Fay Bailey 19/07/2020 at 9:06 pm

      I would love to try the seam free Bikini in a size 12 please.
      I use reusable products wherever possible and have been considering the use of period underwear – I already use a cup and reusable pads, but would love another alternative especially when exercising as the domes on pads are very uncomfortable when riding a bike. I also have some LBL so these would also be great for the management of that when exercising.. As a mum of 2 girls it would be great to also find some other alternatives for them to use, Miss 13 likes her cloth pads so another option would be great.

    24. Nicki Warhurst 19/07/2020 at 12:43 pm

      I’d love the opportunity try the SEAMFREE BIKINI moderate-heavy size 12 please. I’m interested in more sustainable and less expensive period products. I’d especially like to trial this product overnight in lieu of tampons. Please consider me for the trial.

    25. KCW 19/07/2020 at 9:56 am

      Style Number 4 size 12 please I would like to trial these as they are something I have thought about trying but have always been apprehensive about using them as worried if they would work for me or if I would like using them

    26. Budnipz 19/07/2020 at 12:43 am

      #10 size 14.

      Have looked at purchasing these ship many times, but just can not fit it in the budget. I wod move to try them as pads are uncomfortable and I’ve never tried tampons.

      Also. Think how much we are saving tube c earth

    27. Olivia1 18/07/2020 at 11:27 pm

      I would love to try number 8 size 16, I have endo so I am a very regular breather and struggle with the weekly cost of pads which is in my shopping list 3weeks a month if I could trial this product it would help me to see if these can make a difference especially in my price list

    28. JessJess 18/07/2020 at 10:37 pm

      I would love to try #2 seamless boyleg moisture wicking please. I use cloth liners every day, and depending on what I’m wearing, they can be uncomfortable. It also gets a bit embarassing when they are visible in the washing. Have heard great things about this brand.

    29. ruthb 18/07/2020 at 5:14 pm

      My teenage daughter would love to trial these. She is finding it harder to manage overnight and it causes her to turn down some activities with get friends. This is heartening a6dd a mum! I’d love the #8 overnight *size 10) for her to trial. This would give get the freedom to be herself and have fun!!

      • ruthb 18/07/2020 at 5:16 pm

        *heart breaking as a mum! Auto correct!!!

        • Jubes 22/07/2020 at 1:54 am

          I would love for my recently turned 12 yr old daughter to be able to trial a pair of these. Her periods have started quite full on. As she is still young shes battling with the changes that have happened to her body and taking care of herself and her feminine hygiene. She hates pads, and tampons are out of the question at this stage so you can imagine the battles I’m having. These underwear may be just the answer for her feeling alil more normal again. If she is selected could she please trial #8 in size 14. Thank you

          • anghel911 07/08/2020 at 1:34 pm

            Would really love to try number 9. This is my first time to join a product review platform and I’m excited to post photos and honest feedbacks. Thank you!

    30. bethel.pollock 17/07/2020 at 9:59 pm

      Would love to try the seamfree boyleg..size 10. Always wanted to try the brand but struggle to separate with the money without knowing it works ! thanks

      • alley1992 04/08/2020 at 7:40 pm

        Would love to try #4 #14 or #15 in size 12. Since having a baby I have only been able to use pads due to discomfort. So to have another choice that is better for the environment and comfortable for me would be amazing. I have been looking in to purchasing some so to trial them first would be great 🙂

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