Jokes for kids: Word play

    Jokes for kids: Word play

    Word play is not only educational for kids but it’s also hilarious! A mix-up of names and an entertaining way to use words, everyone will find something amongst these great word play jokes for kids.

    What you need:

    Number of players:


    Did you hear about the actor who broke through the floorboards?
    He was just going through a stage.


    How do you paint a rabbit purple?
    With purple hare spray!
    What is a cow without a map?
    Udderly lost!


    Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hall.
    One hat said to the other, “You stay here, I’ll go on a head.”


    Why can’t fishermen be generous?
    Because their business makes them sell fish.


    I took the shell off my racing snail to try and speed it up.
    It just made it sluggish.


    Why do ghouls and demons get on so well?
    Because demons are a ghoul’s best friend.


    What do you call a guy with no legs in leaves?

    I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger.
    Then it hit me.


    Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off?
    He’s all right now.


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