Sensory play: fairy floss glitter paint

    Sensory play: fairy floss glitter paint

    Wouldn't it be fun if you could play with fairy floss and squish it and squeeze it between your fingers? You couldn't eat it, but you could build pretend food – pavlovas and cupcakes and lollies. Or you could use a toy digger to pile it all up into a sand dune …

    What you need:

    • 1 pkt icing sugar
    • plastic tub
    • 1 tin white shaving cream
    • pink food colouring
    • pink glitter
    • wooden spoon

    Number of players:


    Tip the icing sugar into the plastic tub then squirt the shaving cream in until it is empty.

    Mix it together really well.

    Once combined, add a few drops of food colouring (we used pink but you can use any colour you like) and mix it up again.

    Sprinkle on the glitter and there you have it; paint that resembles fairy floss, ready to use for sparkly art or simply as fun, glittery goop to squeeze through your hands. The possibilities are endless.

    Store the mixture in an airtight container. Discard after one week.

    Sensory notes:
    The shaving cream is smooth and the icing mixture is dry and soft, creating a pull-apart, silky feel.
    With the glitter through the mixture, kids will feel a gritty texture that feels a bit like sand.


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