Seven layer liquid stack science experiment

    Seven layer liquid stack science experiment

    Find out which liquids are denser than others with this simple seven layer liquid stack science experiment.

    What you need:

    • 1 x tall jar
    • a set of digital kitchen scales (to weigh each liquid)

    Plus 100g each of:

    • honey
    • maple syrup
    • dishwashing liquid
    • water
    • vegetable oil
    • methylated spirits
    • lamp oil

    Number of players:


    Measure out equal weights of each liquid.  Do this by placing a small jug or glass on the scales, bringing the measuring display back to '0' and then pouring in 100g of the chosen liquid.

    You will need to pour the liquids into the jar in this order:

    1. honey

    2. maple syrup

    3. dishwashing liquid

    4. water

    5. vegetable oil

    6. methylated spirits

    7. lamp oil

    So as you measure 100g of each liquid, pour it carefully into the centre of the jar.  It's important not to let the liquids touch the sides of the jar and to pour slowly so the liquids don't get too mixed up.

    Pour each liquid in turn, then watch as they separate into distinct layers.  We found that the water, metho and vegetable oil all mixed in together while the other layers separated out quite distinctly.

    Hints and tips:

    Experiment with different liquids to see which ones create the best layer stack.

    You could also colour some of the liquids (eg. the water) to make your stack more colourful.

    Why is it so?

    Different liquids have different densities. This means the denser liquids sink to the bottom of the stack (honey and syrup) while the lightest float on top (lamp oil).

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