Valentines Day: Make your own heart kite

Valentines Day: Make your own heart kite

Love is in the air this Valentine's Day and should certainly to be celebrated by all, including the kids. Why not get them showing their love of everything outdoors this Valentine's Day by creating their very own heart kite for fly with their friends?

What you need:

  • prepared cane sticks. As a guide the lengths used for the sides were 70cm (27″) and the cross brace 40cm(16″) x 32cm (12″)
  • tissue paper in red and pink
  • yarn or twine (for kite string)
  • stick or scrap wood (not pictured)
  • ribbon for tail about 110cm (44″)
  • glue stick
  • scissors
  • craft knife
  • tape (not pictured)

Number of players:


Step 1. Gather your supplies

Step 2. Bend your bits of cane to form a heart shape. Tape where indicated. Cut two shorter lengths to form a cross brace and tape them in place to keep your heart shape rigid. Tie the cross in the center. Try to get the shape as symmetrical as possible.

Step 3. Lay your frame over a sheet of red tissue paper and trim away excess paper. Clip around curves.

Step 4. Fold edges over frame and paste with glue stick. Flip over and repeat steps 3-5 on the other side.

Step 5. To make fringe cut your folded tissue paper into 5cm (2″) wide strips. Cut fringing about 1cm (0.5″) wide, making sure not to cut all the way through.

Step 6. Working from outside, paste on fringe rows, alternating between pink and red rows until the whole surface is covered

Step 7. To add string, feel through the tissue for the frame cross brace. About 10cm from top, poke a little hole and tie one end of a 30cm length of yarn to the vertical brace. Tie the other end of the yarn about 2/3 of the way down the brace. Tie off your long yarn to the middle of the string you have tied to the frame.

Step 8. Wind your long twine to a stick then add your tail.


Crafted by My Poppet.

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