Word find: 9 or more letter words – hard

Word find: 9 or more letter words – hard

This free printable word find for 11-12 year olds is for clever kids with an excellent spelling ability looking for a real challenge. Sure, learning words can sometimes be difficult but pop them in a fun word find and you'll have their brains ticking away in no time at all. 

What you need:

  • computer with internet access
  • printer
  • paper
  • colouring pencils or markers

Number of players:


This word find has been designed for kids who are fluent spellers. There are words are hidden backwards and forwards as well as up and down with a few tricky diagonals to test them out. The words are challenging and the puzzle is just a little harder than the medium word find with 9 or more letter words.

Just for a little more fun, we have added a cranky cricketer colouring page!

Print this word find.

Learn more about spelling milestones for 11-12 year olds with Mums' School Zone.


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