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The Truth Behind Your Baby’s Poo

You will be astonished at how important the contents of your baby’s nappy becomes in your parenting journey, so find ...
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newborn hiccups breathing noises

Hiccups, sneezing and other breathing noises

Newborn babies often make funny breathing noises such as hiccups and sneezing. Learn what each baby breathing noise means ...
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soothing newborn

Soothing a crying newborn

If you think your baby’s incessant crying is frustrating, imagine not being able to communicate what’s wrong.That's basically what a crying newborn is doing ...
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sick baby

Why is my newborn vomiting?

There are many reasons why your newborn may be vomiting. Understand why your baby vomits from Kidspot New Zealand's comprehensive baby health section ...
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crying checklist

Crying checklist

Babies cry for many reasons but these tips for new parents explain how to find out why baby is crying and what to do about it. Kidspot New Zealand ...
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Understanding your baby's reflux

Understanding your baby’s reflux

Reflux in babies is a common condition. Learn more about your infant's reflux and how to manage the symptoms in Kidspot's New Zealand's comprehensive family health section ...
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Feeding your baby with reflux

Reflux is when your baby's stomach contents rise back up into their oesophagus. Find out how to feed your baby in a way that helps to ease their reflux ...
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tummy probiotics

The bacteria your kids need for good immunity

Having high levels of good bacteria (gut flora) in the digestive system is essential for building a strong immune system in growing children ...
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Is it colic?

All babies cry - after all, it’s the only method of communication they have. But some babies will be unsettled without apparent reason. How do you know if it's colic ...
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Understanding your baby’s wind

Your baby may need burping when you feed them otherwise your baby will be troubled by wind. Find out how to burp your baby with Kidspot ...
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constipation in babies

Constipation and your baby

Constipation is bowel motions that are very firm, and look like little pebbles. Quite a lot of babies look like they are concentrating hard or may get very restless when ...
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baby poo

Baby Poo: An Essential Guide For Every New Parent

New parents are obsessed with poo. Green poo, runny poo, hard poo and even explosive poo - from colour and consistency to constipation, we've got your baby's nappy covered ...
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