Baby nose care

The inside of the nose is self-cleaning and needs no special care. If your baby has any discharge, wipe it from the outside, but resist using cotton balls or your fingernail to try to remove it from the nostril – you might damage the nasal membranes. Newborns often have snuffly breathing because their nasal passages are very narrow. Frequent sneezing will help your baby to clear any blockages from his nasal cavity.

Baby ear care

The first thing to remember when it comes to ear care is ‘less is more’. Don’t go poking around in your child’s ears as you may do serious harm to the ear drum. The ear is naturally self-cleaning, and trying to remove wax by probing may only force it further into the ear.

Newborn baby sleep

One of the biggest and most stressed about developments throughout baby’s first year is how your baby is sleeping. Every baby is different, and will continue to be so, but there are some general newborn sleep habits you should know about your little one.

Mixing baby formula

If you are unable to breastfeed, or are using formula for any other reasons, it is vital that you have all the information you need to keep your baby safe and healthy.

Baby bathing tips

Find baby bathing expert advice, including how to bath your newborn and baby safely. Find parenting advice on bathing and caring for baby in the first twelve months on Kidspot New Zealand.

Understanding your baby’s reflux

Reflux in babies is a common condition. Learn more about your infant's reflux and how to manage the symptoms in Kidspot's New Zealand's comprehensive family health section.