Pregnancy anxiety

During pregnancy your crazy hormones can turn your laughter into tears with the blink of an eye. Anxiety often goes hand-in-hand with depression during pregnancy and the postnatal period. Worrying thoughts around the progress of the pregnancy or the health of the mother or baby are normal and usually settle in response to reassurance.

Reasons for anxiety during pregnancy could include:

  • Worries about what type of parent you will be
  • Concerns about interruptions to your career
  • Concerns about your financial stability
  • Fears about how you will cope with childbirth

The hormonal shifts sending your emotions on an unpredictable roller coaster ride are all playing their part in these anxieties. Often making little worries turn into huge fears.

Try not to stress. Exercise, meditation, or even half an hour in a comfortable, warm bath (hot baths are harmful to your baby) may all help ease your mind (and body). Read more on exercise during pregnancy.

Arming yourself with knowledge about what exactly your body is going through, and learning about the developmental stages of your growing baby, may also help alleviate some of your concerns. Read through our pregnancy week by week guides and sign up to our pregnancy week by week email.

Getting organised is also a good way of staying on top of things. Or just have some fun searching for baby names.


Mood swings during pregnancy are a normal part of the hormonal changes happening to your body. For around 10-15 percent of pregnant women, though, mood swings can be episodes that last more than two weeks and disrupt daily functioning. If this happens, speak to your doctor or midwife about professional support.

Without proper treatment, around 40 percent of women who experience symptoms of antenatal depression (depression during pregnancy) will then go on to experience postnatal depression.

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