Your pregnancy at week 27

    Welcome to your week 27 pregnancy update where we outline the changes you and your baby are experiencing.

    Your Baby

    Baby is becoming plumper as fat deposits under his skin and he is possibly weighing up to 1kg. It is likely your baby recognises your voice over and above all other people.

    Baby’s eyelashes are growing, ready to protect his precious eyes from  dust and debirs once he is born. Baby will be opening his eyes for very short periods from now on, and his first visual impressions once he is born will be sorted into light and dark. That’s why so many mobiles and toys for newborn babies are plain old black and white – they are the ‘colours’ a baby can see the easiest.

    With more brain tissue developing, your baby’s brain is very active now. His lungs are still immature, though capable of functioning if born at this early stage. The five senses are also active and his taste buds are working well enough for him to determine whether your amniotic fluid has been flavoured by a spicy or sweet meal.

    Just like adults, all babies are different and develop at varying rates in the womb. This information gives a general idea of your baby’s development and progress.

    The Mum Update

    Your baby might now be big and strong enough for your partner to be able to hear her heartbeat simply  by listening closely on your belly!

    Now is a good time to start thinking about the car seat/baby capsule as children aged seven must be secured in an approved child restraint if one is available in the vehicle, and if not, in any child restraint or safety belt that is available. When choosing, check it complies with the joint New Zealand/Australian Standard AS/NZ 1754 or United States Standard FMVSS 213. This is indicated on the restraint with E3 inside a circle. The restraint must also show the New Zealand Standard ‘S’ mark indicating it is certified for use here. Your can read more about the using child restraint in New Zealand on the NZ Transport Authority website. 


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