In this age of technology, most parents agree that their children spend too much time playing video games, watching television, and socialising online. While most parents of school aged children agree that their child needs physical activity, finding an activity that they enjoy can sometimes be a challenge.
The positive effects of dance
Dance is a great way to keep our children physically fit. However, it does not end there. Dance has many positive impacts on children. Dance is a sport. It is physically demanding. A dancer puts as much strain on their body as a football player. Since these facts are obvious, we would like to share with you a few less noticeable positive effects experienced by child dancers.
1. Making the dancer happier
When a person mixes physical energy and music, they feel good. The reason for this is the action causes the brain to produce the chemicals in their brain that makes them happy. This is a naturally occurring chemical change that people experience during strong physical exertion. The feeling makes children want to return.

2. Improving focus
A 2006 study by Medical Life Sciences found that children with various behavioural problems or ADHD were able to concentrate better with dance therapy. Teachers and parents reported that the children with these problems were less anxious, less frustrated, and able to focus better and for longer periods of time when dancing was incorporated into their lives. This became evident when their grades began to climb.
3. Teamwork mentality and a thick skin
When a child becomes part of a dance group, they learn very quickly that the group is only as good as the worst dancer. Being part of the group does not ensure that mistakes will not be made. It means the dancer will correct the error with the help of their dance team.
Sooner or later your child will be the one who makes the mistake and they will feel the support of the team. Instructors and coaches are there to push the limits of a child. They know what the child is capable of and they strive to help them develop. Since the instructor or coach is pointing out everyone’s weaknesses in performance, the kids quickly grow a thick skin. This will serve them well in life.
4. Emotional maturity
It doesn’t matter how old the child is. Even toddlers who are exposed to dance realize a basic fundamental. When the child dances, they put all they have into it. They unknowingly tap into their emotions. They soon realize that some movements draw a lot of positive attention. So they try to perfect those moves.
The child soon realizes that they are part of something larger than themselves. They gain awareness of others and learn to appreciate the feelings and efforts of others as well as their own. This level of maturity is often delayed with children who have no artistic outlet, and no exposure to group activities.
5. Building self-confidence and taking their power back
Bullies have become a world-wide problem. A bully usually picks on the kid that is not sure of herself or himself. They will often select a child who has few friends. When a bully attacks them, they may be afraid to tell and they feel ashamed.
Dance shows a child that they are important. They are important enough to speak up when someone is trying to hurt them. They are part of a team, so they know that everybody has a place and a function. That thick skin we spoke of comes into play. When the class bully does not get the response of fear they are hoping for, they skulk away.
The child-dancer knows their worth and refuses to listen to anyone who doesn’t appreciate it. If the bully becomes a real threat, they are not afraid to tell the teacher or their parents. Because they have empathy for other people, they will always be part of the solution.
You love your child and you want what is best for them. You want them to see how truly special they are. You want to teach them to view themselves through your eyes. You know life is going to kick them around sometime, as it does everyone. But you want them to have enough self-worth to stand up. Give your kid the gift of strength, vision, and empathy. Then stand back and watch them grow! With a good dance teacher, a willing bunch of dancers, and you, there is no way you can lose.
Do you have a child who loves to dance? What positive aspects have you experienced?
Author Bio
This article was written by Wendy Dessler. Wendy is a super-connector with Just For Kix who helps businesses with building their audience online through outreach, partnerships, and networking. Wendy frequently writes about the latest advancements in the SaaS world and digital marketing.
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I love dance and so does my 4 year old now. We dance using Just Dance on Playstation and when we listen to music. I encourage him to dance with me and I would definitely enrol him in classes if he wishes. But in the meantime, our lounge and the kitchen is our dance floor. And yes it makes us oh so happy.
Miss 6 loves to dance. She is mostly into hip hop moves. I wish I could find her a good class that was run at a decent time. Being working parents it is just not that easy. For her age group it’s 4pm or earlier! But she gets so much enjoyment out of dancing in the lounge to music at least.
Dance seems to increasingly be becoming a popular interest for kids so it is great to read some of the benefits. My little girl is 2 and at this stage it is hard to see whether she will be interested in trying dance classes some day but hopefully she gives it a go!
My 7 year old could really benefit from taking dance classes, I think that she would really enjoy them too, I will look into this for the next term
My boys aren’t dancers but they love football and I think anything that gets children moving and outside/physical is a great thing
My eldest loves to dance and would keen to for him to join some type of dancing group when he is older.
My youngest who is almost 5 loves to dance so much so any tv ad or radio ad with music that comes on he will boggy to… The birth of fortnite i will admit has helped too he loves the new dances aka emotes that come oit so though he doesnt play he wants to see the new ones so he can dance like them too. My older 2 not so much, my eldest cant stand it and refuses to go to a school dance or disco and my middle boy used to really be into it but not as much now
Wow how interesting that adhd kids were able to focus better with dance. I have two siblings with kids that have adhd so this is quite intriguing for me to know. Definitely will pass on this message to them so that they may be helped by this. Dance sounds like it’s great for alot of things. This was a great read.
My daughter used to always do ballet but has since stopped but she still does some form of dance at school with her friends. Dance is good for children to follow a teacher and also learn about posture sucking in your tummy and a straight back.
My 6 year old daughter LOVES dancing and is definitely positively influenced by music. This year we asked her if she wanted to enrol in a dance class or karate or similar and she wants to do a Jazz\ballet or something similar as she tends to gravitate towards more interpretive type dance rather than ballet. I can’t wait for her to start as I know she will love it