Period Topics To Discuss With Your Kids
You’d be surprised how many girls aren’t prepared for their first periods and how much misinformation about menstruation they retain.
You’d be surprised how many girls aren’t prepared for their first periods and how much misinformation about menstruation they retain.
Educating girls and boys about periods is essential to promoting self-esteem and healthy body images in both sexes.
Puberty creates some interesting challenges for teenagers and their parents. One of the most ‘interesting’ of these challenges is the crazy rush of hormones that can drive our teens boy- or girl-crazy.
Every boy is different, but below are some of the most common changes to look out for to help you know when your son is entering puberty.
"She sat by the huge array and quite overwhelmed, smelt every deodorant I handed to her. After sniffing approximately 26, she settled on one with an oddly grown up name that makes her giggle a lot."
We drum into our kids that they need to talk, to somebody they trust, just get it out … but are we really letting go enough to allow them to do that?