Your pregnancy at week 23
Week 23 of your baby';s development sees the beginning of Braxton Hicks contractions that stimulate your baby's circulation system and you can feel.
Week 23 of your baby';s development sees the beginning of Braxton Hicks contractions that stimulate your baby's circulation system and you can feel.
Baby's digestive system is now mature enough to digest breast milk after birth. By week 35 baby's placenta covers a third of your uterus surface.
At week 39, your baby is now considered full term. After 40 weeks you will be overdue and your doctor may consider inducing labour and birth.
Week 12 in your baby's development continues to see fast physical development. Follow your baby's growth with week by week pregnancy information.
Your baby has developed genitals and hearing has developed so baby can hear your voice when you talk. Find out more about baby's development at 19 weeks.
Week 17 of your baby's development sees her at 16cm long. Her heart has four chambers and her eyes are light sensitive. Got more development information.
His cute little head is very soft, and it might be covered in lashings of thick hair or be as bald as an eagle, depending on genetic tendencies.
At week 28 your baby's brain likely has 100 billion neurons capable of firing off 100 trillion connections - read more about your baby here
Follow your baby's development in utero with weekly developmental updates. Week 16 sees baby having a growth spurt and doubly in weight.
Exciting news! At week 10 science no longer refers to your baby as an 'embryo'
Baby's development in week 15 sees her growing hair called lanugo on her body. Bones in her ears develop and she can start to hear and taste.