Follow Your Baby’s Development During Pregnancy
Follow your baby's development through your pregnancy with our weekly development updates
Follow your baby's development through your pregnancy with our weekly development updates
Baby’s probably having a squishy old time and getting into position to meet you. He’s gone from being a single cell just 38 weeks ago to being a complex human baby with trillions of cells -- amazing, if you stop to think about it.
These tips from a fun loving dad will help keep your partner interested in your pregnancy and make those nine months fly by.
Wondering what determines your baby's eye colour? We break down the science behind your baby's big browns, baby blues and gorgeous greens.
Did someone forget to tell baby your due date because it doesn't seem as if he is making any moves to leave the comfort of your womb.
Don't be discouraged - only 5 per cent of babies are born on their due date with most babies coming within a week of the day estimated.
It would be unusual for you not to be uncomfortable and feel huge at this time. Your uterus has filled your pelvis and most of your abdomen and it has pushed everything else out of the way.
At week 36 your baby is perfecting her Ulnar grip reflex and will show this off to you when you put your finger on her palm after she is born.
All five senses within your baby are now working. She can see, hear, smell, taste and touch and can even taste what you had for dinner a few hours later
During week 33 your baby's head will grow by up to centimetre in circumference – a huge spurt in a short time period.
All five senses within your baby are now working. She can see, hear, smell, taste and touch and can even taste what you had for dinner a few hours later
At week 24 baby is now looking and behaving much the same way now as she will when she is born
During week 22 your baby's skin will make the transformation from being translucent to opaque. No longer will you be able to see everything underneath all of that skin.
Week 12 in your baby's development continues to see fast physical development. Follow your baby's growth with week by week pregnancy information.
Week 12 in your baby's development continues to see fast physical development. Follow your baby's growth with week by week pregnancy information.
This week the baby's eyelids have started to develop and a nose is starting to form, making a nice change from the nasal pits decorating the baby’s face of a few weeks ago.
Follow your baby's development through your pregnancy with weekly development updates. This week is week 6 and your baby's heart is already beating.
Your baby will now have five little ridges on each hand and foot.
Just last week your baby looked like a tadpole and now it is turning into a proper critter.
Baby's development at week 18 continues quickly. You will be able to begin feeling your baby's kicks and movements which is called the quickening.
Baby is now 20 weeks and you are halfway through your pregnancy. Find out how big your baby is and learn about the vernix coating that protects her skin.
At week 37 your baby is technically full term – though that doesn't mean he’s finished growing and developing.
It's week 26 of your baby's development and she can now open her eyes and see. Her reflexs including the sucking reflex are now developing.
Baby continues to develop during week 29. Now baby's brain is developing quickly, bone marrow develops and adrenal glands start producting hormones.
Your baby's development through week 25 sees further maturation of her lungs - and you may begin to feel baby's hiccups. The rightin reflex now works too.
In week 27 your baby's heart beat is strong enough that you can hear it as well as baby's eyelashes being fully grown to protecct his eyes from harm.
Pregnancy and twins. Older mums are more likely to have twins. Find out what it means to be carrying twins during your pregnancy. Kidspot New Zealand
Baby could be spending his days sucking, wrinkling his forehead and turning his head as he moves around his your uterus – but you won’t feel it yet.
This week your baby's bone marrow will begin functioning. The bone marrow's function is to make all of the blood cells for your baby.
Follow your baby's development through pregnancy with a week by week update including week 21, when each of baby's senses are developing.