ChildLife Essentials®

    product trial4 out of 5 – Kidspot mums were pleased with ChildLife Multi Vitamin & Mineral Liquid Formula.
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    ChildLife Essentials® Multi Vitamin & Mineral Liquid Formula

    For a child’s body to develop normally, essential nutrients need to be consumed each and every day.  Children need vitamins & minerals for their normal growth and for the nourishment of their organs and bones.  That can be quite a task, especially since many young children are picky about the food they eat.  A good way to be sure your children get the nutrients required to produce a healthy body and brain is to give them a daily multivitamin & mineral.

    Children are not simply little adults.  When choosing a multivitamin, it is important to select one that is designed specifically for children.  This will give your child the right amount of nutrients for their age and size.

    ChildLife® uses only the highest quality ingredients. This formula is gluten free, casein free, alcohol free. Contains no milk, eggs, wheat, yeast, peanuts, tree nuts, fish or shellfish. No artificial colourings, flavourings or sweeteners.

    ChildLife® Multi Vitamin & Mineral contains 14 of the essential vitamins and 8 of the primary minerals, including Selenium (50% of the recommended daily value).

    Being in liquid form, ChildLife® Multi Vitamin & Mineral allows for better absorption of the nutrients, can be mixed with food, water or children’s favourite drink; it is easy to take regardless of the child’s age and it tastes yummy!

    Visit the ChildLife website for more information.

    We have given 20 registered trialists in the North Island only with children aged 6 months – 12 years old the chance to trial and review ChildLife Essentials® Multi Vitamin & Mineral Liquid Formula. Watch this space for their reviews.

    Each selected reviewer will receive:

    • 237ml bottle of ChildLife Essentials® Multi Vitamin & Mineral Liquid Formula

    (NB scroll to the bottom of the page to add your review).

    If you are selected to trial, the product will be sent to the address on your profile. Please check your address now to ensure that it is up to date. Not registered yet? Then signup now

    Kidspot Terms and Conditions: You will be required to post your review on our Product Trials page if you are selected. Your name and postal address will be given to the supplier for the purpose of delivery of the product only.


    1. krm 01/10/2017 at 10:50 am

      I would love to trial this product, my ( year old son is a very fussy eater and i worry he does not get enough of the good nutrients and minerals he needs, the doctor has recommended he try vitamin supplements, this product could well be what I am looking for to offer my son the minerals and nutrients he needs in his diet, would love to trial this product on my son.

    2. Rachael3 01/10/2017 at 10:23 am

      I would like to try this product for my 5 year old son who may not get enough vitamins in his diet. Trying to get him to eat vegies other than corn and potatoes is not so easy so I think these will be a massive benefit for him. Hes tried vitamins before and hes loved taking them. Awesome trial. All the best to who ever gets chosen 🙂

    3. Kyrab 01/10/2017 at 10:19 am

      I’d love to trial this product on my 3rd old son and 8 yr old daughter. My son is constantly sick (every month) and it seems I have tried nearly every vitamin known to help reduce illnesses and I have had little luck! My son then passes his bugs onto his sister and then she get sick.This means lots of time of kindy, school and uni!

    4. Missmuffet 01/10/2017 at 9:56 am

      Hi Miss 8 would love to trial this product. She is not well at the moment and I am hoping a dose of vitamins and minerals will fix that.

    5. My3girls 01/10/2017 at 8:59 am

      I’d love to try this with my girls aged 2,7 and 9. My youngest two are fussy eaters I try not to make into a big deal and always offer healthy meals and snacks 🙄 But I’d love to know they would still get some basics in their diet even if they just graze. I love that this product contains a variety of vitamins and minerals so keen to try it

    6. mwilton 01/10/2017 at 8:47 am

      I would love to trial this for my 3 kids- 1, 5 and 7 years old. They’re all occasionally fussy eaters but love taking vitamins so I can imagine this would be very successful!

    7. 01/10/2017 at 8:35 am

      yes hi I would like for my 2boys to trial this out, one is 18months old and the other is 5yrs old., I’m always looking for a mutivitamin gummy bears for my kids as just ran out and was about to go buy one. My younger son would easily take in the liquad form if it’s yummy so this would be great to try.

    8. charlie 01/10/2017 at 8:28 am

      We have two daughters (ages 4 years and 7 years) and we found with the season change over from winter to spring they were hit hard with illnesses – it doesn’t help that my two are notoriously bad at eating fruit and vegetables (typical kids!). I have always been curious to see whether a multi vitamin would increase their immunity, it would be great to trial this to see if it helps them – I like that it is in liquid form too, as my two have refused vitamin tablets in the past as they don’t usually like the chalky texture!! A liquid sounds more palatable and easier to get into them 🙂

    9. cherylgreer1 01/10/2017 at 8:20 am

      I would love to try this for my 5yr old picky eater as sometimes I don’t think he is getting enough vitamins and minerals

    10. kimhorne 01/10/2017 at 8:15 am

      id like to trail these products my daughter likes to eat junk food rather than real fresh food thanks

    11. Avahjane 01/10/2017 at 7:50 am

      I would live to trial this I have 3 kids under 5 2 who are very fussy eaters 1 will only eat taro and apples they are forever sick we are at doctor’s at least once a week have always wanted to try vitamins for them but can’t afford to go buy 100 different brands

    12. rachaelsfun 01/10/2017 at 7:35 am

      would be amazing to trial have a few neices and nephews from almost 2 , 6 and 14 🙂 all are picky eaters and this would help them perk up for vitamen deficiancy too

    13. IEmzI 01/10/2017 at 7:33 am

      I have two kids (7 & 8 years old) that are very fussy eaters when it comes to “healthy food”. I’m always worried that they are not getting enough vitamins & minerals. Being able to mix something with their with food, water or drink would make things soo much easier & help remove part of my daily battle with them. I have tried the chewable vitamins & minerals but there’s always one of them that does not like the taste or texture or some other excuse…with this I feel like I could put it in things & they will be none the wiser.

    14. Charmaine Willis-Croft 01/10/2017 at 5:47 am

      I’d love to trial this on my children, particularly my 4 year old son. I’m really struggling to get him to eat a variety of foods right now and I often worry he’s not getting the necessary nutrition. I’ve thought a lot recently about getting my young children to try a vitamin supplement such as gummies. I think my boys would really enjoy a liquid form, thanks for the chance.

    15. Sassy 01/10/2017 at 12:09 am

      Would love to trial this with my 8yo son who is ADHD and ODD. We have changed his diet to help with his ADHD and it would be interesting to see if this helps further, as it can be hard getting all the nutrients into him and keeping the meals interesting and varied so that he doesn’t get bored with them.

    16. Snazz8 30/09/2017 at 10:50 pm

      I would love to try this for my three kids who are on the go all day long!

    17. Miss_melitta26 30/09/2017 at 10:33 pm

      This would be perfect for us to trail out as we have one fussy 2 year old girl that won’t touch meat in her diet and we struggle to get vegetables into her we are always worried she’s not getting everything she needs in her diet do this would be perfect we would also try it with our 6 year old type1 diabetic girl

    18. astewart 30/09/2017 at 10:23 pm

      Would love to try this for my just-turned 11 year old son who is, of all my kids the most fussy eater ever so I do worry he doesn’t get all the vitamins and minerals he should be getting. I like the fact it is a liquid form with all the ‘goodies’ in one great formula and can be taken in a variety of ways. Would be great to try it with him and see if he likes it.

    19. Kmhedges 30/09/2017 at 10:17 pm

      I would love to trial this for my daughters ages 4 and 6 as they are both hugely picky eaters! I feel like they could benefit alot with all the vitamins and minerals in this

    20. nikboll 30/09/2017 at 10:07 pm

      Yes!! my 5 and 8 year olds seem to be forever sick!!! This winter has been brutal on all of us, and they need some help getting back to good health.

    21. Nise17 30/09/2017 at 10:00 pm

      I would love to try this with my 3 year old as he does not eat vegetables or fruit and he is not that keen on any of the vitamins or kids gummis so would love to try this too see if he would like it so i know he gets some sort nutrients

    22. Robyn Lovewell 30/09/2017 at 9:30 pm

      I would love to try this for my older kids – my 11 year old is not eating well, but growing a lot, and desperately needs the nutrients, while my 8 year old has intolerances to many fruits, which makes it hard to get vitamins into him. Most vitamin tablets have a negative effect on his mood, so I’d love to try this liquid to see if that could work for him 🙂

    23. Jhereal 30/09/2017 at 8:40 pm

      Would love to try this for my 2-yr old and 5-yr old boys. My 2-yr old son is such a picky eater and I’m just worried that he’s not getting enough vitamins and minerals.

    24. BJW 30/09/2017 at 8:38 pm

      My daughter is very fussy so unlike her brothers’ and refuses most vegetables. I would love to do a review on ChildLife® Multi Vitamin & Mineral to see if her health improves and if she enjoys the taste. So pleased to see it is in liquid form as she can’t swallow pills and some of the multivitamins are huge.

      I love how the ChildLife® Multi Vitamin & Mineral contains 14 of the essential vitamins and 8 of the primary minerals which should keep a child healthy while taking these. Now school has finished for 2 weeks’ this would be superb to start her taking this when school starts again.

    25. Sjalldridge 30/09/2017 at 8:25 pm

      I would love to try this with 4 children aged 6mnths 2years 5years and 7years staying healthy is of high importance as no Mum wants to deal with 4 sick children 😊

    26. Godzgirl 30/09/2017 at 8:12 pm

      I’d love my youngest who is 9 to try these. She has just recovered from a nasty ear infection and we’d hate for it to return. Sadly she gets hit y more illnesses than the rest of the family because she’s had surgeries for her cleft lip and palate and these always knock her immune system.

    27. Nathaniel 30/09/2017 at 8:07 pm

      Hi there. I have been shopping around for a vitamin supplement for my 8 year old for some time and especially since the dietician wants my child to have a multivitamin. Unfortunately, everything that we have seen is either (and/or) heavily sugared or fruit flavoured, neither of which my child can stand (go figure). I am unsure whether you do a fruit/low or no sugar vitamin, but if you do I would be keen to try it on my child (I could not read whether the label said the vitamin was flavoured – the picture pixelated when I enlarged it). We have had some success with peppermint, coconut and vanilla flavours in selected vitamin and mineral ranges in the past. But no complex multivitamin has been found to date. Thank you for your consideration.

    28. Pharsna 30/09/2017 at 7:58 pm

      Hi, my little girl turns one next month and although she has a great appetite, I would love to try her on this so I know she is getting the right amount of vitamins in her diet. I only want to give her the best start I possibly can and I am sure this will help achieve that.

    29. Jmfiske 30/09/2017 at 7:21 pm

      I would absolutely love to try this product for my 6 year old boy who is not keen on veges and has eczema.. this may help? and my 9 year old daughter.

    30. Lulubelle 30/09/2017 at 7:20 pm

      I have been giving my four year old daughter chewable multi-vitamins over the winter. I would love to try this product to compare it with the brand we have been using. I am keen to try a liquid product as I believe liquids are better absorbed and this has minerals in it which are deficient in New Zealand soil.

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