Tried and tested by Kidspot parents
3.9 out of 5: Kidspot parents were pleased with SMA Toddler.
Help support their nutrition with SMA® Toddler
SMA® Toddler is a nutritious milk drink for children from 1 year of age. Developed to help ensure a good nutritional foundation, it’s enriched with Iron to support normal cognitive development, plus Calcium and Vitamin D for the normal growth and development of bones and Zinc for the normal function of their immune system.
SMA® Toddler is designed to be enjoyed supplementary to a varied diet, when energy and nutrient intakes may not be adequate. In a time when family budgets are under pressure, this is a high quality and yet affordable option for parents, offering you confidence and reassurance that you are supporting your child’s nutritional needs.
For further information, visit meandmychild.co.nz
Read the reviews
We gave 30 members with toddlers the chance to trial and review SMA Toddler. See their photos below and scroll down to read more reviews in the comments.
Reviewer notes
If you have received product for review*, please scroll to the bottom of the page and add your feedback as a new comment. Upload your review photos to this Dropbox folder.
Each selected reviewer will receive:1 x 900g tin of SMA Toddler.
*By registering for this product trial, you agree to the terms and conditions.
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- Kidspot Terms and Conditions apply, including: Open to Kidspot members 18+ only. Only available for NZ residents. If you are selected, you will be required to use the product as soon as possible and supply a review, as set out in our review instructions. Your name, email address, and contact phone number will be given to the supplier for the purpose of delivery.
My daughter is nearly 3 and has toddler milk daily because she is a fussy eater. It gives me reassurance that she is getting enough nutrition, even on days when she will only eat a limited diet. SMA toddler mixes easily and has a yummy vanilla flavour but my daughter wouldn’t drink it. I can confirm however that it tastes really nice as the base for a smoothie for me.
Thank you for choosing us to trial this SMA formula. My 17 month old didn’t fuss about it which is good for the fact he was EBF from birth up till 16 months when we decided to wean off BF and onto formula that we were concerned he would be choosey. However, although we are happy he is not disliking this formula, we would prefer to stick to those brands that have DHA, ALA and EPA and of course prebiotics are a plus on top of the staple ingredients (vitamins and nutrients) that should be included.
My 17month old has taken quite a liking to this milk drink from SMA and I’m quite happy about it, I’m hoping it will help with weaning her and I’m really happy it has all the vitamins and minerals she needs to help her thrive. My 3.5yr d also loves it for a bit of a boost to her diet also she says it tastes yummy.
Thank you for the opportunity to try and I definately think we will continue on using it.
Awsome milk my son loves it. He drink this coz he fussy eater so this is so good for him
Thank you so much for the opportunity to try SMA. This is the first formula that my son drinks till THE LAST DROP so I highly recommend this product to fussy eaters. SMA has creamy taste with a hint of vanilla. And the fact it’s enriched with iron, vitamin D and zinc, it’s just brilliant for children, especially the ones who were born prematurely like my son.
Thanks so much for letting us trial SMA Toddler my son absolutely loved it, we started out with a small amount with lunch just to see how we went and he was delighted with it so in the afternoon we had a full bottle and he guzzeld it back with no problems so it’s definitely a win for us and we will be making it our new everyday drink
Thankyou so much for picking us for this trial. My boy is almost 3 years old and a very picky eater. We always worry about him not getting enough nutrition. We gave him a bottle of sma toddler formula and he finished off in one go. We will definitely buy in future and let our friends know about this amazing formula. The formula dissolves very easily and our boy loves it and we are happy that he is getting all the nutritions needed for his development.
We were lucky enough to trial those product with my almost 2 year old son. He’s been on the same brand of formula since he was born and is still loving his milks throughout the day. This product was well received by my son. It has a pleasant sweet smell but doesn’t taste sweet (yes I tried some too). It seems creamer in colouring and taste then our previous brand. He enjoyed the taste and happily took it regularly throughout the day. Kept him full throughout the night too.
We were fortunate to sample the SMA Toddler formula. We tried it over two consecutive nights in my 2 year old daughters bedtime bottle. The first night she drank a little of it but handed it back to me. The following night we tried again and after a sip she stated “it’s too sugared” ie sweet. It smelt like vanilla to us, but she obviously didn’t like the sweetness. We still purchase formula but unfortunately we won’t be getting this one for her because of the flavour.
Unfortunately my 15 months old boy didn’t enjoy with this… He doesn’t like any formula I knew but I wanted to try this on him. It was really shame couldn’t get good results but thank you so much for giving us this opportunity
I know lots of kids would love this
Thank you for including us in this trial. My boy and I both think the packaging is great, the bear is a big win.
My son is 3 years old now, he usually loves his toddler tinned milk as he is not a big fan of cows milk.
I was so excited to prepare his first glass of milk but the response was not as positive as expected.
After the first sip he gave the milk back to me stating that he doesn’t like the smell. I asked him to taste, he did and said he didn’t like it. The next morning, I decided to try and trick him. I made him a glass before he woke up and handed it to him. He looked at me saying it is the stinky milk mommy, he didn’t consume any of it. I tasted it as well, it does have a strong taste and smell, more than other brands we have tried.
I was really disappointed in the outcome, but will still recommend this to other mums as the product is well priced.
Thank you for selecting us to trial this SMA toddler drink. My child liked the milk formula. He did enjoy it which is a surprise because usually he doesn’t like milk! I can’t get him to drink cows milk so this was a nice and pleasant alternative. Would recommend this as it’s a sweet milk so that’s probably why he liked it. Thank you!!
My son has just turned 12 months so we are grateful to have been apart of this trail as we were looking in to our options for follow on formula. I was honestly shocked with how well he switched from his previous formula, he approved of the taste & texture there was no fuss made from him. He can be a rather spilly boy but we have not any issues with this formula which was a huge bonus as previously he was aptimil gold. 10/10 will be buying this again. Thanks again, we will be keeping him on this product.
Thanks for the opportunity to trial….The packaging is nice, SMA toddler has alot sweeter taste and smell to the newborn-12months version.
My son (17 months) seemed happy enough with his first taste although he drank alot less than normal. Ill be interested to see how his tummy goes with this after a day or two as he still has reflux/spilling on occasion.
My two-year-old son likes the packaging of the tin with that cute bear. However, he wouldn’t like to try the milk again after his first sip. What surprised me is my six-year-old daughter loves it so much that she even gives up the fresh cow milk that she has been drinking every day! For me, I love the thick aroma of the SMA Toddler formula. I think this product is quite similar to the other ones in the market so if it has a competitive price I would suggest it to my friends! : )
Thank you for the opportunity to try this product. My 2 year old has a sippy cup of cows milk before bed every night, prior to this she was having toddler formula so we were keen to give this product a try. I made this milk up four nights in a row for my daughter and unfortunately she did not like it at all. She did try it each time but wouldn’t take much more than a sip. I think this is because she has been having cows milk and not formula for some time now. This was not the right product for my toddler but I would recommend this product to friends and family if they had a child still on formula as it was easy to make and convenient.
We are delighted to receive SMA trial. My little one enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed making it up for him. The formula smells quite nice, great hint of vanilla flavor. I have not tasted it but he had no complaints at all! Will sure to come back for more
My daughter Lita is starting daycare late November and will be starting on formula and we have no idea where to start with different brands! Would be great to trial this one and see how she goes.
My son is 16 months and still has formula before sleeps.
He has been on SMA 0-12 months from 7ish months because everything gave him terrible reflux and made him vomit except SMA….itd be interesting to see how he went on toddler version.
My Daughter will turn 1 year soon.we are using SMA for her and I believe it would be good to try this new product
Ella is 1yr and 1/2 im looking at trying her on toddler milk and enjoy introducing new foods and other items for this beautiful growing girl
My son is 1 in a few days & would love to give this formula a go as we are really searching for a good option to move to next!
My son is 2 and as recently I weaned him but he misses breastfeeding so much so I think this SMA Toddler may be a good replacement! ; )
Yes please would love to try for my 2 year old fuzzy eater
My son is 2 and still has a bottle at night so give this toddlers milk a go
My daughter’s are age 2,1 and I feel like this would be better for them rather than the one we are using now.Im happy to try a new product.Thankyou for a chance to enter.
My boy will be 1 in 2 weeks , both my kids have been on sma and just love it , fills them up for longer and just love it , my soon to be 3 year old refuses to eat so we give formula every now and then
My son is about to turn 1 in a few days and we are considering a next stage formula for him to go on. I would love to be able to try this with him and see if it works for us!
My two year old still has her sippy cup every night for bedtime and I would love to trial this product for her as it would be a great source of nutrients on top of what she is currently receiving in her diet.
Timing seems too perfect! My daughter is just moving on to toddler milk and I am in the middle of trying to settle on which one we’ll use going forward. I have tried a few brands/variants but not SMA toddler.
My daughter is 15 months today, and I’m weaning her off breastfeeding after her 15 month jabs (next week) this would be absolutely ideal to try and get her on especially to encourage a bottle and no boob
My youngest is 18months old , he loves his milk so much , trailing this would be ideal to hopefully move him onto a more toddler friendly milk supplement
My son is only 2 mrhs old at the moment and have him on sma from birth. Would love to try the sma for 1 yr and up. Would be nice to keep him on same brand