Cooking with kids: Peanut butter play dough

    Cooking with kids: Peanut butter play dough

    Eating your play-thing? Sure, why not? It makes it a little nicer when there is a peanut-buttery taste to it! Get the kids in the kitchen helping out to make one of the coolest play dough recipes yet – peanut butter play dough.

    What you need:

    • 2 cups peanut butter
    • 6 Tbsp honey
    • milk
    • flour
    • cocoa for flavouring (optional)
    • edible treats for decroation
    • bowl

    Number of players:


    Step 1. Get the kids up and washing their hands for this sticky, icky activity and gather your supplies.

    Step 2. Combine peanut butter and honey in a bowl.

    Step 3. Add milk and flour to reach a dough consistency.

    Step 4. Add cocoa to taste.

    Step 5. Mix and knead into the perfect ball of dough, separate and play!


    • Please be mindful that this is best kept for an at home activity and be aware of peanut allergies before introducing to other children.

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