Who to invite to a baby shower

    Traditionally, baby showers are a strictly female-only affair, although these days some women like inviting their partners, too, and it may be a nice way for the dad to feel more involved.

    Make it clear on the invitations whether you are expecting it to be strictly women only, or are inviting men, babies and/or kids, too. If there are children coming, it’s worth asking a trusted friend or relative to act as babysitter and entertain the little ones so the guests (and the mum-to-be) can really enjoy the party.

    Your baby shower is not the time to be networking outside the office, or trying on new fancy friendships. Instead, keep your invitation list to your nearest and dearest – friends and family who will genuinely enjoy spending a couple of hours with you celebrating your impending birth.

    How many friends should I invite to my baby shower?

    Like all parties, there are no rules about the guest list but the number of guests you invite will dictate the type of baby shower you have – large numbers of guests will effect the number and type of games you can play, and catering the event becomes more of a consideration once you invite more than 20 guests.

    Generally, baby showers are more intimate events where family and friends can meet and mingle so try to keep your guest list smallish – remember, this is not a re-enactment of your wedding minus the groom!

    Baby shower invitations

    There is a huge variety of ready-made baby shower invitations available for purchase, or you may prefer to hand-make something more personal. Another popular option is to have personalised baby shower invitations printed – as the guest list of a baby shower is usually under 20 guests, the costs of personalised invitations doesn’t become prohibitive.

    A baby shower gift idea

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    1. MuddledUpMolly 28/02/2018 at 10:50 pm

      My baby shower I enjoyed having friends and family but also opened it up to a collection of my colleagues as they were there almost daily for the journey too! I sent out proper invites AFTER the facebook event but I’m not a big fan of FB events- not as personal as they once were!

    2. Shelz69 28/02/2018 at 11:39 am

      I was too embarrassed to ask people to come, so I never had one. I think keeping it small with just close friends and family would be okay. Facebook events is a great way to create events.

    3. Alezandra 27/02/2018 at 10:50 pm

      Sending e-vites are also a nice way to send out the invitations. It’s paperless and you can customise it anyway you want. I used paperlesspost and it also had a RSVP function and you can even send reminders.

    4. kymmage 26/02/2018 at 7:23 pm

      Yes I also kept my baby shower to a small group of friends and family. I had some work mates, but they were people who had lived the pregnancy with me every day as well, so I wanted them there to help celebrate with.

    5. Mands1980 22/02/2018 at 12:30 pm

      Baby showers are definitely for those who are close to you like family and close friends. These days you can do baby shower invitations over Facebook messenger as well as you know when they have looked at the message it’s great so you have no cost.

    6. Bevik1971 22/02/2018 at 12:23 pm

      I kept my baby showers quite small and just had family and close friends – they were both when I was nearing the end of my pregnancy and was just too big and too tired to do too much lol

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