Morning sickness during pregnancy is experienced by about 80% of pregnant women. While ‘nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (as morning sickness is now called) is rarely serious, it can make you feel miserable. So if the ginger has failed you along with the early morning crackers, maybe these potential morning sickness cures might help.
Pull your tongue
Literally. Using a cloth, grasp your tongue and pull gently it’s meant to stop the actual act of vomiting.
Love the lavender
Some herbalists claim lavender oil is the perfect fix-all for morning sickness sufferers, Put a few drops in a bath, combine with peppermint oil in an oil burner or place a cool lavender-scented compress on your forehead while at the same time having a warm lavender compress on your rib cage.
Try acupuncture
A couple of studies have found that acupuncture can relieve and lessen the symptoms of pregnancy sickness but the treatment needs to be fairly regular, like twice a week.
Get pickled
Vinegar has been found to ease the nausea in some morning sickness sufferers. The glands in your mouth excrete more saliva during pregnancy that can make some women feel sick. Mix a couple teaspoons of cider vinegar in a mug of warm water to help dry out your mouth.
Get into the rhythm
There’s an actual CD out there that claims to contain music which eases the symptoms of morning sickness and there’s an independent UK study which shows that in 90% of cases it works! Called Morningwell, the CD works by interrupting the passage of signals between the brain and gut that would normally cause vomiting or nausea.
Cocktail hour
Half fill a glass with warm water and add one teaspoon each of lime juice, ginger juice, honey and mint juice. This concoction should be drunk a couple a day for about four days, at which time the nausea is meant to have subsided.
What about a curry
A spicy, ghee-filled curry is probably the last meal you feel like when you’re laid low with pregnancy nausea. But curry leaves have been shown to help some mums-to-be. Take 20-25 leaves and crush to extract some juice. And honey and two teaspoons of lime juice and sip a couple times a day.
Find more:
- Morning sickness remedies
- Staying healthy with morning sickness
- Morning sickness medications
- Healthy pregnancy diet
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