Duck, duck goose

Duck, duck, goose is a party game favourite to energise and enthral children of all ages. Get your kids active with this chasing game and enjoy the sound of laughter at your party.


Number of players:


In this game, kids sit down in a circle facing each other.

One person is “it” and walks around the circle. As they walk around, they tap people’s heads and say whether they are a “duck” or a “goose”.

Once someone is the goose they get up and try to chase “it” around the circle. The goal is to tap that person before they are able sit down in the goose’s spot.

If the goose is not able to do this, they become “it” for the next round and play continues. If they do tap the “it” person, the person tagged has to sit in the centre of the circle.

Then the goose becomes it for the next round. The person in the middle can’t leave until another person is tagged and they are replaced.

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