3 DIY Mother’s Day Bunting Ideas

    Hey kids! Yes you! Why not make Mum a special surprise this Mother’s Day and create a  Mother’s Day bunting to rig up in the morning when she gets up because she totally deserves it!

    We have three great options for you to choose from.

    You will need:

    • bunting template of your choice (see below)
    • about 3m of string or ribbon
    • a stapler
    • a pencil
    • glue
    • scissors

    Once you have your bunting pages ready, place your piece of string or ribbon on the floor, stretch it out. Now position your bunting to make your message.

    Staple the bunting pieces to the string or ribbon.

    Hang it up and wait for Mum to wake up from her sleep in.

    Option 1: Newspaper bunting (main image)

    To make this you will also need 9 x sheets of newspaper (old ones, don’t use the one you find on the doorstep this morning – that may ruin Mum’s day) and some coloured craft paper.

    Sketch out your message onto coloured paper one letter at a time in letters you can cut out and stick onto the bunting. Cut out the letters  and then glue them onto the bunting.

    Instead of cutting out letters, you could just use a marker pen to draw your message onto the bunting

    Download newspaper template here

    Floral DIY Template

    Bunting template - DIY Mothers Day

    Use this template to make bunting with your own special message. The template includes each letter of the alphabet plus a heart. Only print the pages / letters from the template file that you need.

    Print in colour or to save ink, black and white looks lovely especially if you colour in the letter on each page in Mum’s favourite colour.

    Download DIY words template

    Mother’s Day bunting

    Mothers Day bunting

    This template spells out ‘Mother’s Day’ – and is bursting with hearts! This is a quick and easy Mother’s Day bunting option and will make any room look special.

    Download Mother’s Day template

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