Supporting kids growth, development and immunity

The rapid growth and active lifestyle of most Kiwi kids demands ongoing and effective nutrition for energy, strength and general wellbeing.

But our busy lifestyles often mean we don’t get the time we need each day to provide our children with the healthy meals their growth and development demands.

Support their developing immunity

Our kids spend lots of time together at kindy or in the classroom. In the winter especially, a confined space can mean lots of germs are more easily spread, and your little ones need a strong immune system to keep those bugs at bay!

Along with providing a great diet, teaching kids to wash their hands properly and cover their coughs and sneezes, there are certain nutrients that kids need to support a healthy and resilient immune system.

Vitamin C and the mineral zinc are essential nutrients our bodies need to support healthy immunity and probiotics are necessary for good gut health and are essential for a robust immune response. If your child does come down with ills and chills, then try the healing power of honey and Black Elderberry.

Boost their energy supply

If you have ever sat watching kids you will know that they don’t tend to walk- they skip, jump, run and hop and all of this requires a steady supply of energy.

Energise your kids by providing them with a wholesome diet. Ditch the white bread, bars, chips and biscuits – these only provide short spurts of energy. Opt instead for powerhouse meals full of whole grains, nuts and seeds, yoghurt, fruit and veges.

If lunch boxes are coming home from school untouched and the kids seem a bit sluggish then get them into a good kid’s multi to cover those nutritional bases.

Growing strong

Children reach their peak bone mass between the ages of 18-20 so it’s crucial that they get all the building blocks they need for well-structured and resilient bones early in life. Calcium, an important mineral for bones and teeth is also vital for healthy muscle function. Other essential bone building nutrients, such as Vitamin D, are required for the body to absorb calcium and help to make a strong bone matrix. Vitamin D also supports a healthy immune response and brain function.

Radiance Kids Gummies

Radiance® offers a range of delicious, sugar-free gummies to support the optimal growth and development of children:

  • Radiance Kids Immune Gummies provides powerful nutrients including vitamin C, zinc honey & black elderberry to support immunity in the cooler months.
  • Radiance Kids Vitamin C and Zinc Gummies and Probiotic Gummies provide the essential nutrients needed to build healthy immunity year-round.
  • Radiance Kids Multi-Vitamin Gummies are a great tasting vitamin and mineral gummie packed with all the essential nutrients kids need for energy and wellbeing.
  • Radiance Kids Calcium +D3 Gummies support healthy bone and teeth formation and provide almost 20% of children’s RDI of calcium per gummie.

Being a kid can be hard work!  Help your kids shine and grow healthy minds and bodies with Radiance Kids range.

Check out the full range here

This article was written for Kidspot using information supplied by Radiance®


  1. dawnblyth 03/07/2019 at 10:49 pm

    I know my children don’t always get the required dietary quota of vitamins so to have something like this product which not only looks appealing but sounds like it would taste nice would be one great way of getting the needed vitamins and minerals into my boys! I think its time to look for these in the shops!!

  2. MuddledUpMolly 01/07/2019 at 9:05 pm

    Master 9 has taken a daily vitamin c for a few years now and I am a big believer in taking multivitamins if need be. Our Miss 2 has taken an interest and thinks she is missing out so now she is also having a little kids version of vitamin c once a day to top up what she already gets through fresh fruit.

  3. Jen_Wiig 01/07/2019 at 2:19 pm

    We are a huge vitamin and minerals pill takong family, i remeber as a child mum always giving me tese little robot shaped multi vitamins and now as a mum its just the norm for me to also give them to my boys… Esp my eldest hitting puberty and also a recent diagnosis of Scoliosis it makes me even more vigal getting the good sruff into them…i love how kid friendly these radiance gummies are ive found soe in the past have had an odd taste to them or been abit hard to chew for my younger boy these ones are never not loved by my 3.

  4. kymmage 30/06/2019 at 12:06 pm

    When you have a fussy kid who’s idea of a balance diet is chocolate spread on toast, cheese and bread for lunch and meat and cheese for dinner… Then yes, these gummies are essential. My youngest will eat raw carrots and that’s about it! So you better believe supplements are needed and they have to be appealing or they just don’t get eaten.

  5. Alezandra 29/06/2019 at 11:53 pm

    Before winter hit, I was already on the lookout for vitamins especially vitamin C for immunity. Yes it’s important to still eat fruits and veggies, as these are the natural main source. It’s just an added precaution for any possible illnesses that usually goes around during winter. Radiance range is also interesting as they have different ones for different types of needs – which makes it easy for parents to target a specific one for each child that might have different needs.

  6. SarahBlair 26/06/2019 at 12:16 pm

    My kids take vitamin C and a multivitamin every day, my youngest son is very fussy and eats next to nothing and was starting to show signs of not getting enough nutrients so we started him taking these and the difference is incredible, he has more energy and looks healthier!

  7. Micht 25/06/2019 at 1:34 pm

    I agree totally kids do need more vitamins and minerals which they dont get from their limites fussy eating… what has surprised me is that my kids love these gummies even though one we bought has a fish oil ingredient and not pleasant for me but for them they are sweets we actually offer them… since we have been giving them i do believe it has made a difference to them and does boost immunity.

  8. Mands1980 22/06/2019 at 6:56 pm

    I didn’t realise the radiance produced so many different types of gummies. I first tried these with my kids when younger and they loved them. It is also important to eat healthy as well as the article suggests if they are tired they may need a good multi vitamin. I know my children have been quite sick lately and then I started thinking they need a supplement. The vitamin c, zinc and probiotic gummies sound ideal for year round immunity. I will have to try these again for the kids and see if they like them.

  9. Bevik1971 21/06/2019 at 11:41 am

    I think it’s really important that kids take some sort of supplement, we give our daughter daily vitamin C and lately we were given an organic rosehip elixir she has been taking, which is a high vitamin c dose. She has been sick fairly often since she was young with croup and I’m hoping she will grow out of it as her body grows. We feed her healthy food and organic where possible as I think this makes a difference too. Kids have busy lives too as much as adults do need some extra 🙂

  10. Shorrty4life1 12/06/2019 at 8:52 pm

    These sound like a great vitamin having read all the benefits of these it truly makes it sound like an essential to buy. As they say its hard juggling everything and then ontop of that trying to make sure the kids are keeping healthy and eating healthy which is never easy with fussy children. Definitely will have to try these for my children especially because they help with immunity growth and energy which are vital for children of school age.

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