How to stop 5 school bugs in their tracks
Getting kids back to school can mean they get sick with school bugs like impetigo, school sores, head lice, worms, and conjunctivitis.
Getting kids back to school can mean they get sick with school bugs like impetigo, school sores, head lice, worms, and conjunctivitis.
The LEGO Group’s 2024 Play Well Study has found that NZ parents tend to give girls less recognition for their creative work when compared to boys. Get tips to support creative development and nurture confidence through the power of play and everyday language in the 10 Steps to Fostering Creative Confidence guide.
When the kids get a good, restful night's sleep, everybody wins! But sometimes your child's sleep (and therefore your own) can be elusive or disrupted due to a myriad of reasons. To help Kidspot families to support sleep for their kids, we gave them the opportunity to trial artemis Kid’s Settle & Sleep. Check out their reviews here.
The school-age years are marked by rapid growth, both physically and mentally. Fruits and vegetables offer a host of benefits that are particularly vital during this developmental phase. By providing a diverse range of nutrient-rich options and using creative strategies to encourage kids to eat them, you can set your child on a path towards a lifetime of healthy eating habits.
When your child is unsettled and uncooperative, they might be in an environment that clashes with their true nature. Jessie Buttons aka New Zealand's Super Nanny takes a look at the four main 'natures' and how you can create an environment where each child can feel safe, supported, and heard.
If you are moving to Australia with children, it is important to understand the Australian school system. How does it work? What are the options for your children? This guide will tell you what you need to know about Australian schools, from preschool through to university.
The benefits of research projects for kids are numerous. Research assignments help kids practice thinking and working independently. Topics are easy to set provided you're familiar with things kids love.
Children may already be seeing and hearing things about the Ukraine crisis and experiencing feelings of uncertainty, anxiety and fear, which parents and caregivers will be seeking to address.
Chances are, when your child starts high school they won't be going along with all their peers from primary school. For those going to a completely new school and starting afresh, here are some ways to help them ease the transition and make new friends.
With the Omicron variant of COVID-19 now out and about in the community and the requirement for a lot more mask-wearing, we take a look at the latest advice on masks.
It seems like from the moment our kids are able to walk and talk, we're trying to get them to sit still and be quiet! Kids are naturally inquisitive and full of imagination, so when they need to focus on schoolwork it can be hard to master the concentration levels needed.
We all want to encourage our children to be physically active but starting a new sport for a child can be a bit intimidating. We take a look at all you need to know when introducing your child to a new sport.
Avoid the trial and error of choosing a lunch box and drink bottle with our tried-and-tested helpful tips on what to look out for, plus some of our favourite shopping picks from The Warehouse.
You have chosen the school your child is going to attend, and a starting date, and the countdown is on. There are a number of things you can do to ensure a smooth transition for both of you.
If the technological world is moving along at a pace that you’re struggling to keep up with, the prospect of BYOD can seem daunting, especially when there are a million options to choose from and new technology is added frequently. To help you get your head around BYOD and school technology, here’s a quick guide.
It's coming up to the start of the school year and already things are being planned and scheduled. Find out the best ways to keep on top of all the things the kids have on this year.
A supply of stationery and other items for school life and home schooling is absolutely essential when you have school-age kids!
Making the school year run smoothly for your children, and for yourself, is easy with these quick tips from Kidspot on everything from eating to education.
Kids bored with sandwiches? Here are some of our top ideas to get them excited about their lunchbox.
Being organised for back to school isn't complicated - it just requires a little bit of forward planning and a lot of been-there-done-that know-how!
Keeping kids organised during the school year may sound like a lost cause but it can be done. One of the best tips is to create a "backpack station".
As your children move through the year levels they will start to need their own dedicated study area. Find out what you need to make a dedicated, functional and fun space for them.
We asked what the most common parenting struggles were and put together this guide, focusing on how you can use kids movies to help you develop your child’s character!
Ever wondered how watching different movies can affect your child? We look at how movies can positively and negatively impact children.
It's inevitable that children are going to spend some time on screens - but how do you know if it's too much and how do you manage the amount of time they are spending?
As we spend more time online, the risk of something going wrong increases. Find out how you can be confident that your family are able to use the internet safely, and not be exposed to inappropriate content, online predators, and cyberbullying.
Returning to school after a lockdown due to a global pandemic is a lot different to returning to school after school holidays and you may be surprised by your child's reaction, whether it be emotional or physical.
Give a boost to your child's general immunity to help reduce the number of viruses and illnesses that they may pick up with these tips on how to get the kids fighting fit for back to school.
A wonderful thing to come out of our time back in lockdown is an abundance of fascinating and fun online and at-home learning opportunities for kids that are still accessible.
Knowing that we have to homeschool our kids can be daunting, but don't worry - you've got this! Check out some tips to help you navigate at-home learning.