Your kiddies may have already been introduced to Bluey and her family and already be in love with the blue heeler pup – one of the most famous pups in all of Australia!
If not, your kiddies are about to flip head over heels once they meet her and her heeler family; her dad Bandit, her mum Chilli, and four-year-old sister Bingo – and yes, you do need to say Bingo with an Australian accent, it’s just not the same without it!
Bluey loves to play and makes every day an adventure with her family and friends. The preschool series is now airing on TV2 in New Zealand, and streaming on demand if your kids are keen to get to know the k9 family and Bluey’s adventures.
Bluey: Where’s Bluey is a super fun search and find book! 14 colourful pages reflecting Bluey’s adventurous spirit and her daily shenanigans with the loveable characters in her every day life. Your job is to find the listed items amongst each eye catching setting – a ladybug, or a guitar, a tray of sausages, Bingo’s toothbrush, or three little terriers (oh my they are cute), four ponies, Lucky’s Dad, a garden gnome or of course Bluey amongst the various lists.

Search and find fun
If you have an eagle-eyed 6 year old and an eager but still developing his eagle-eyes 4 year old then you might have to orchestrate each hunt! I had one particularly quick item spotter son spotting all the items in super fast time, pointing and shouting “found it!” while the younger sibling was spotting them a milli-smidgen of a second later (once he saw the older sibling pointing at it) shouting “yep there it is!” Or the younger one took to just making stuff up. He’d yell out that he’d found something “the helmet!”, “where?” I’d ask, “in the sky” but it was not in the sky. He would elaborate on his find to tell me that “once I lost my helmet, it flew up into the sky, up to the moon and I cried forever”. Eventually the little one realised he was being out-gunned and had to call it: “Hey I’m here too!” he eventually pleaded for a chance to find the item first. (Oh my that was cute too).
So I had to orchestrate a little order. Rather than “who can find…” instead I selected items for each kid to find, and there’s plenty of additional random easy-to-find items you can slip into the search for the littler ones, which despite my 4 year old reporting to me that we didn’t actually neeeeed to find the banana/dolphin/blue pillow/random item I requested to be found, he was still eager and most satisfied to find them all by himself!

Sharing out the items to find, throwing in some easier random items for the little one to find, and helping the 6 year old restrain himself from pointing them all out first, worked a treat for the siblings both vying to spot the stuff. A few hints here and there helps keep the book flowing and there’s answers at the end to help if you get stuck or to confirm your find was correct!
The boys LOVED this book. Fans of Bluey and Bingo already, they knew the beloved characters and excitedly spotted characters and items from page to page like a game to be won. Bluey: Where’s Bluey is a winner – have fun with this one!
Do your children love Bluey the Blue Heeler?
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