Get Outdoors – Brilliant Boredom Busters For Kiwi Kids | Book Review

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Perfect for a fabulous outdoor summer in Aotearoa, Get Outdoors – Brilliant Boredom Busters For Kiwi Kids, has so many ideas to get your body moving and your brain inventing, the kids will be out the door and off on adventures before you know it!

From the author of the award-winning Beginner’s Guide to Hunting and Fishing in New Zealand, Get Outdoors is chock-full of fun ideas to help discover new skills, improve fitness and coordination, encourage creativity and confidence, waken the energy and stimulate the enterprise of kids aged 8-12.

Get Outdoors includes a range of activities to allow for ages and stages, some of which can be done independently and some which require adult involvement and supervision. With all the fabulous ideas, projects and activities in this book, you’ll never get bored outdoors!

Select an activity from between the covers and you can …

🚀 launch a rocket
🧭 explore the great outdoors
🚴‍♀️ jump on a bike
🪁 fly a kite
🔨 build an epic fort
🥦grow something green
〰️ fossick in a creek
🐚 explore the rocky shore
🍃 make nature art
🤿 swim and snorkel
🐛 hunt for bugs
📷 take pictures
🤻 create a backyard obstacle course
⛺ pitch a tent
🌟 sleep under the stars
… and so much more!

Available online and in your local bookshop now!

Become a nature detective

Become a nature detective

Enjoy these free activities from the book and become a nature detective! No matter where you live if you look really closely at plants and in the soil in your backyard, your investigations will reveal plant, insect and animal life you never knew existed! There’s also instructions on how to make your own bird feeder.

download the pages now

Reader review: Amy (Mum) and Wolfie

Getting your kids excited about anything bar Xbox/ PlayStation/ Nintendo is a hard task in 2022! The days of playing in the yard or begging to go to the park seem to be in the past … All of the things I’ve been trying to get my kids excited about are now on their summer TO DO LIST! I grew up on a farm, making huts, camping in the bush and spending days exploring Great Barrier Island so it breaks my heart when I have to hassle the kids to get outside.

This past weekend I gave them the Get Outdoors – Brilliant Boredom Busters For Kiwi Kids book. WOW, it was a hit! We now have a list as long as my arm, of activities and projects they want to do over the summer; from building huts, water activities, growing veggies, cooking and even outdoor art projects. I’m excited that they are excited. Now we just have to decide which one to start with!

I love the focus on the Great Outdoors, most of the DIY activities are able to be done in your own backyard, in the local park or at your favourite holiday spot!

The activities and projects are well written, easy to follow instructions, with beautiful images to inspire kids from five to twelve years (and the teen siblings will be roped in for helping hands)! As a mum, I love the safety tips on each page!

Wolfie’s first choice is to build the rocket! Here are some pics of him in the rocket and also holding the book – he made sure to blow-wave and straighten his hair for that picture … Get this kid into nature – he has been in the city for too long!

Amy and Alfie

Get Outdoors

Alfie in his rocket

Get Outdoors

Alfie and his new book

Grab your copy of “Get Outdoors”

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