The 10 minute a day beauty routine every busy mum needs

    A complicated beauty routine is definitely not a high priority for most busy mums as there are so many competing priorities.

    We have put together some super quick tips that you can fit into your busy morning schedule and before you flop into bed at night.



    If you have given your skin a good clean the night before, a quick wash in the sink or the shower with water will probably do the trick but if you feel like you need the refreshing benefit of a cleanse pick a product that is easy to use and suits your skin. Manuka Honey Gentle Facial Cleanser can be used on damp skin and then easily removed with a damp cloth without rinsing.

    Moisturise with SPF

    We know it’s important to put on a good moisturiser and an SPF each day so combining the two is a perfect time saving solution. Lanolin with Moisturiser SPF30 with Pomegranate and Vitamin A fits the bill perfectly and with the added bonus of being high in antioxidants which help protect your skin from the pollutants in the air. Pop a bit of mascara on to help frame your eyes.


    Don’t have time to wash your hair? A good dry shampoo will give your hair new life and a bit of volume. Look for one that will give you a smooth finish and also help protect your hair.


    If you are short on sleep (of course you are!) or have a few blemishes, a bit of concealer can cover up the evidence and let you skip the foundation step. Look for one that is light and has a dewy and luminous finish to give you a bit of a glow – and it will also be great on your lids and to brighten the corner of your eyes.

    Mouth and lips

    If you can’t manage anything else, do fit in a tooth brushing session. It will make you feel fresher and banish that morning breath! While we remember to put SPF protection on our face, it’s easy to forget your lips so whip on some lip protection too. Wild Ferns have a great range of products formulated to protect and moisturise your lips including the Manuka Honey Protective SPF15 Lip Care and Kiwifruit Gentle Protection Lip Care SPF15.

    Get fragrant

    Whip some deodorant on and put some perfume onto your wrists so as your busy day unfolds you get the occasional uplifting whiff. New Zealand Flowers Perfume is beautifully fresh and light and is applied with a roller ball – perfect for on the go application.



    Before you fall into bed (for the first and hopefully last time that night!), cleanse your face to remove any traces of the day. Rotorua Mud Facial Wash Creme with Lime Blossom will refresh and remove any traces of makeup that have survived the day.


    Give yourself a little pamper with a restorative night cream that repairs, hydrates and soothes. Bee Venom Night Creme with 80+ Manuka Honey encourages increased circulation allowing nutrients to flow into the skin tissue so you can wake up to skin that feels more hydrated, firm and toned. Future you will thank you.

    What is your favourite quick beauty tip?

    See more:

    author robynWritten by Robyn

    Robyn creates content on Kidspot NZ. Her hobbies include buying cleaning products and wondering why things don’t then clean themselves, eating cheese scones with her friends, and taking her kids to appointments.

    Favourite motto to live by: “It’s just a phase.”


    1. MuddledUpMolly 01/12/2019 at 11:04 pm

      Great selection here but I feel I would be hard pressed to get all of this done in 10 minutes. I pretty much do all of this already, I need to get better at sing a good spf cream during the day though especially with our hot summer coming up.

    2. Loucyd3 01/12/2019 at 12:43 am

      Some great tips here, not sure how I would get it done in 10mins though, a gentle exfoliation and clay mask once a week really helps my skin.

    3. Alezandra 01/12/2019 at 12:31 am

      This doesn’t sound like I can do in 10 minutes. But there are quite a good selection of products mentioned here that may convince me to try out. I’ve been meaning to test wild ferns and maybe this is a good chance to test it out.

    4. Micht 28/11/2019 at 11:42 pm

      Exfoliate once or twice a week to remove dead skin, it makes a difference

    5. dawnblyth 26/11/2019 at 3:55 pm

      Brush teeth, wash my face and wash my hair. Those are three things I find that if I don’t do then I definitely feel worse for wear during the day. Once you find a nice routine that works for your morning or night then stick with it I say – it makes life much easier!

    6. SarahBlair 23/11/2019 at 6:06 pm

      This sounds so easy, it actually is do-able! I usually do the full cleanse, night cream etc routine at night but often in the morning can only find time for a quick face wash and brushing my teeth. I dont usually wear make up, I like to but am often in too much of a rush

    7. Bevik1971 19/11/2019 at 9:23 am

      Totally agree with Shorty4life1 – brush your teeth!!! I can’t leave the house without brushing my teeth, makes me feel like I have stinky breath (even if I don’t lol). Also take a small pottle of moisturiser with a sunscreen with you in your handbag 🙂

    8. Mands1980 14/11/2019 at 8:42 pm

      These are some great tips I do most of these when I remember too. The only other added tip that I like is after brushing your teeth using a mouth wash makes your mouth feel so much better too and smells good.

    9. Jen_Wiig 12/11/2019 at 10:07 am

      Some great tips I definitely will take on board in this article.
      Like how miminal effort it takes and not too much to do first thing in the morning when there’s a million other things to do.
      I didn’t realise just how important having an spf30 or more moisturiser was though so will look into that especially with summers arrival… I’m not even sure if the one I have at mo is spf anything.

    10. Shorrty4life1 11/11/2019 at 10:07 am

      My favourite quick beauty tip would be always brush your teeth for a couple minutes because no body likes stink breathe and seeing dirty teeth when you smile. Its my pet hate and its sooo damn easy to do.

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