Your pregnancy at week 35

    Welcome to your week 35 pregnancy update where we outline the changes you and your baby are experiencing.

    Your Baby

    Your baby will weigh anywhere from two to three kilograms at week 35. He will continue to add a quarter of a kilo of pure baby fat each week until delivery. Baby’s digestive system is putting on its finishing touches in preparation for her first meal in a few weeks’ time – drops of colostrum from your breasts. While baby is in your belly, all of his nutrition comes from the blood surging through his umbilical cord. Your baby’s placenta now covers around 1/3 of the inner surface of your uterus and processes around 12 litres of blood per hour to keep baby well fed and happy. Once baby is born in a few weeks, he will need to suckle for nutrition and absorb his food through his stomach and digestive tract, just like the rest of us.

    Once she is born, your baby will initially suck colostrum until your breast milk production begins, usually 48 hours or so after birth. Once the milk comes in, baby will probably want to have two-hourly snacks at the milk bar until he’s worked out a feeding regime that suits him.

    Scientists theorise that your baby is currently practising eating by ‘breathing’ and tasting the amniotic fluid. Scientists studying foetal movements have found that in week 35 of pregnancy, there is a significant increase in foetal breathing activity between 1am and 7am, apparently followed by increased baby movements. The time baby spends breathing and moving is also related to maternal mealtimes, which deliver a glucose hit to baby (as well as you).

    Just like adults, all babies are different and develop at varying rates in the womb. This information gives a general idea of your baby’s development and progress.

    The Mum Update

    Are you feeling some twinges and not sure if they are contractions? It might be that your uterues is practicing with Braxton Hicks’. These tightenings will be irregular in length, irregular in their timing and not get stronger. Real contractions will get closer together, last longer each time and get progressively worse. If you still aren’t sure, take a hot shower. Hot showers usually ease Braxton Hicks and false labour, while it may aid true labor.

    breast or bottle is breastfeeding for you
    late pregnancy signs and braxton hicks

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