Pregnancy dental care
With all the changes that the hormonal balance shifts of your pregnancy are having on your body, your teeth and gums can also be affected.
With all the changes that the hormonal balance shifts of your pregnancy are having on your body, your teeth and gums can also be affected.
Add pregnancy to the mix of an already busy life and stress can follow. Try our ideas for ways to release the tension.
As with many drugs, alcohol crosses the placenta. The more alcohol that is consumed during pregnancy, the more likely it is that the child will experience significant long-term learning and behavioural problems.
Crazy emotions are all a natural part of pregnancy. If you're feeling overwhelmed, read through some of our helpful tips and remind yourself that you're not alone.
Mood swings during pregnancy are normal. Sometimes simply understanding that (and ensuring that the people closest to you also understand) is all you need to cope.
Being fit and healthy can help prepare your body for labour and the physical and emotional demands that caring for your newborn baby will bring.
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is characterised by a type of cramp, or soreness in the legs. One in five pregnant women suffer from restless legs syndrome. Here's how to put RLS to bed so you can get a good night's sleep.
After around 28 weeks of the pregnancy, your pregnancy visits will be scheduled a little more frequently. However, the timing of each visit can vary, depending on when your last visit was, your individual needs and your caregiver's preferences.
During the middle phase of pregnancy (from about 12-14 weeks until about 28 to 30 weeks), many women find they have a renewed interest in sex.
Early pregnancy is marked by pregnancy symptoms typical of the first trimester. Discover pregnancy signs that may tell you that you're pregnant including morning sickness and food cravings.
The first pregnancy visit is generally timed to happen around 10 to 14 weeks of the pregnancy. The main aims of the first pregnancy visit are for your Lead Maternity Caregiver (LMC) to obtain detailed information about your health, medical and pregnancy history.
Being pampered during pregnancy is nice, but not every beauty treatment is safe. Find out about bikini waxing, dying hair and massage during pregnancy.
Your pelvic floor area is a group of muscles that need to be exercised during pregnancy to keep them strong. Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles is about something much more important than mere aesthetics - it's about good health.
Stretch marks occur to 70% of women, most commonly during pregnancy. Find out how to prevent stretch marks and what you can do to minimise them.
Dealing with haemorrhoids piles and anal fissures are common complaints during pregnancy. Find out how to avoid this painful bowel condition and how to reduce pain.
Morning sickness effects many women in early pregnancy. Find out how you can stay healthy while coping with morning sickness when you're pregnant.
Morning sickness during pregnancy is experienced by about 80% of pregnant women. Find some morning sickness remedies that work to help alleviate those miserable symptoms.
Find a few morning sickness remedies that will help you relieve the unpleasant symptoms of morning sickness.
Pregnancy can have many different effects on you, and your relationship. Here are some of the common questions women ask about sex during pregnancy.
Back pain in pregnancy is common. Understand the causes of back pain and lower back pain during pregnancy and tips on how to relieve it.
Understand pregnancy hormones and the effects they have on your body during the second trimester.
It is now well recognised and accepted that making love throughout pregnancy is perfectly safe, in the absence of pregnancy complications.
Being pregnant inevitably means you will gain weight. However, how much weight gain during pregnancy varies from woman to woman.
Quickening is the early signs of your baby's movements during pregnancy. Learn more about your baby's kicks and quickening during pregnancy.
Hyperemesis gravidarum is a severe form of morning sickness that can have serious implications for mother and child.