4.83 out of 5 – Kidspot mums would purchase the Dyson Pure Hot+Cool Link Purifier again and recommend it to their friends and family.
Did you know that according to data from the Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research air pollution inside your home can be up to five times worse than outside? We spend up to 90 percent of our time indoors**which means your family, especially those who have asthma concerns, may have a harder time during the spring/summer months.
The team at Dyson understand how important it is to help support a clean home environment for your family, so they have created the Dyson Pure Hot+Cool Link™ purifier fan heater that works as a purifier, fan and heater all in one. The Dyson Pure Hot+Cool Link™ purifier fan heater automatically captures gases and 99.95% of fine particles such as allergens and pollutants. It provides purification all year round and heating and fan cooling when you need it.
The Dyson Pure Hot+Cool Link™ purifier fan heater, which includes a new and improved compact filtration technology – the 360° Glass HEPA filter, aims to combat indoor air pollution by removing mould and pollutants from the air. The new model also goes a step further than other purifiers on the market to improve gas capture, trapping ultrafine particles and distributing cleaner air evenly around the whole room.
For more information, visit Dyson.
*Supported by data from the Centre for Australian Weather and Climate research.
**Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment – www.smarterhomes.org.nz
Particle capture tested to EN1822. Gaseous capture tested to JEM 1467 (acetic acid, acetaldehyde, ammonia) and GB/T18801 (formaldehyde, benzene) and DTM-003282 (NO2). Gaseous capture rates vary.
Please note that if you are selected for this trial, you are expected to download the relevant app and review the product for 3 weeks before posting a minimum of 3 images and answering 9 questions in your review. Reviewers will be invited to provide their honest and genuine views (positive and negative) based on their actual use of the air purifier in their home.
We have given 15 registered users (who agree to the above in blue) the chance to trial and review the Dyson Pure Hot+Cool Link™ purifier heater. Read the reviews from our trialists in the comments below.
Each selected reviewer will receive:
- 1x Dyson Pure Hot+Cool Link™ purifier heater
(NB Scroll to the bottom of the page to add your review).
If you are selected to trial, the product will be sent to the address on your profile. Please check your address now to ensure that it is up to date. Not registered then signup now
Kidspot Terms and Conditions: You will be required to post your review on our Product Trials page if you are selected. Your name and postal address will be given to the supplier for the purpose of delivery of the product only.
Photos from our reviewers

Being an early childhood teacher my 8 month and 3 year old often get caught catching bugs and i am a firm believer that being outdoors is better for you than inside. So i would love to trial this product for those times we are stuck inside and will even like to try it at work too for all the tamariki
We live in an old, prone-to-wet house, which is not suited to a home ventilation or air con system. Parts of the house are boiling, parts are freezing. I’d love to try something other than separate dehumidifiers and heaters in each room to re-distribute the air.
We all suffer from asthma and allergies so trialling this would be amazing!! We have had a shocking winter/start to spring health wise so this would be great to help provide a healthier living environment
I would love to be able to try this out. I’m on heavy antihistamines and antibiotics for sinusitis infection. My son also has sinus problems. Having the air more purified would help everyone in the home breathe a lot easier and it would be great to see if it helps with my hay fever and sinus issues as it seems nothing else has as yet. Please consider us for this great opportunity
Yes please. We would love to trial this product. Our entire family has hay fever, eczema and we would love to have clean fresh air circulating in our home.
Thank you
Wow what an opportunity! With a toddler and a new bubba on the way I need our home to be as clean and healthy as possible for them both. My toddler, just like his mumma is a pale red head and is blessed with sensitive skin. Anything that will keep us all healthy and well would be a god send! Xx
I would love to trial this especially the night-time mode for my daughter. We all have either asthma, hay fever or eczema. My eldest finds it really difficult to sleep sometimes as her nose gets blocked up and she starts wheezing. This would be great to help her breath easier and get a good night’s sleep.
My family would love to try the dyson hot and cool purifier heater. Our house is an old house and in the winter time gets damp and mouldy. This sounds like an ideal product to help us out.
How awesome would this be. Our eldest gets hayfever quite badly and I would love to have a dust free/allergy free house for him. Cleaner and dryer air for him would be perfect. Please please please consider us for the trial!!!
Super keen to trial this product. My partner has asthma and eczema. We work hard to manage environmental allergens in our home environment but it is a constant challenge. My 6 year old son has atopy, diagnosed food and environmental allergies and this winter/spring has seen him present with increased sensitivity to environmental allergies and asthma. We have been back to the drawing board researching new products and air purifiers with a view to doubling up our efforts to promote the health our family. We are keen to test out this new Dyson fan purifier and find ways to reduce reliance on prescription medication. Perfect timing for us
I would love to trail this product. with a newborn soon to be here, just before summer hits, it would be great to be able to have a safe fan around (also have a 2 year old) and an air purifier to make sure we are all comfortable and healthy this summer. Will also be a huge bonus in winter too, having heat and being safe! win win!!
Would love to have the chance to review this, I have one teenager with hayfever and who’s asthmatic as well as an 8 week old baby. It would be a blessing in our household!
I would love to trial the Dyson Pure, unfortunately I have a family of asthma, hay fever and eczema suffers. I try to stay from any creams and antihistamines with my children but sometimes it’s difficult, especially coming into summer when their symptoms flare up. Reading about this product, it sounds to good to be true, but anything that can relieve their their asthma, hay fever and eczema drug free I would absolutely love to try.
I would love to try out the Dyson Pure Hot+Cool Link . I have sinus problems and suffer from all the Pine pollen in the Air . It would be great to trial this and see if my quality of sleep improves ,
Would love to be given the opportunity to try this product. Our family is prone to hayfever especially our 9 month old bubba. The functionality I would love to test is if it can really capture allergens and pollutants in the air. Thanks
I would love to try this product. My son has asthma and I have found that he is very triggered irritants in the air. His asthma is also triggered by viral infections so it would be good to keep the air around the house as clear as possible to help prevent this.
This would be the absolute perfect product for my son to trail. He has always been a snuffly boy and especially during pollen season in Canterbury. We would love to trial one
With having a baby and toddler and us suffering from hayfever, it would be awrsome to try this product. We live near farms and in a windy part outside of the city so have to have the windows closed alot.
What a great product, would love to give this a go. I had been subject to severe hayfever which as a kid used to see me spend some days inside as it was just easier than being around all the pollens (when your number one allergen is grass, followed by dust) it’s pretty hard to escape.
I would love to have ‘cleaner’ air in my house for our family of four, and with breastfeeding and not being able to take traditional antihistamines and decongestants, anything would help!! Thanks so much Dyson for coming up with something like this.
I would love to give this a good try. I have hayfever and battle with my sinuses so much. It would be good to have the air in my home clean so that when i am at home i have a safe place to recover from all the things i am allergic to outside.
I would love to trial the Dyson Pure Hot+Cool Link™ purifier heater . The feature I am really interested in is the air purifying as my son and daughter have asthma, another daughter suffers from eczema and I have a lung disease (COPD) . We all have trouble with allergies all year round and any relief from the sneezing, wheezing and itchy skin would be bliss.
Wow, would be amazing to be chosen to test this, really struggling with all the pollen about, and it would be wonderful to have clean fresh air circulating instead
Love to try this as my youngest daughter just been tested with high allergy with dust so this will be great for her try.
We would love to trial this product in our house. Most members in our house suffer with asthma , hayfever and other allergies.my husband has suffered the most with constant sinus problems The fact that it says it can capture 99.95% of allergens and pollutants I find quite intriguing that’s a big statement, one of which I would love to be a part of trialing.and to have a happier and healthier home
i would love to give this a trial for you and also for my family who suffer from hayfever most of the year. My boys have trouble sleeping because they find it hard to breathe as their poor little noses are stuffy and sneeze all the time.
Yes please I would LOVE to trial this, my son has Chronic asthma which is irritated by his hayfever allergies (he ends up quite wheezy in spring!) It would be great to try this to see if it makes a difference, one of the scariest things as a parent of an asthmatic is watching your child not be able to breathe properly. So anything that potentially helps is definitely worth a try!
We would love to trial this product if given the opportunity. All my family is really struggling with allergens effecting us at the moment especially the pollens that are extremly prevelent in the hot summers of gisborne. My youngest who is 2 would def benefit from something like this in my household
We would love to trial the Dyson Pure Hot+Cool link please! I’m very interested in the purifying and cooling features. We get hot Nor-West winds during Summer which blow a lot of dust and leaves inside if we leave the doors and windows open. My Husband has a pedestal fan that he likes to use in our living area, which drives me crazy, as all it does is circulate the dust, and is not very effective with cooling. Our Son gets hayfever so its a trying time of the year for us, we could really benefit if we were included in this trial. Thanks.
Goodness, we would love to trial this purifier! We are a busy and full household of 5 (about to become 6) all with our own issues. My son has mild asthma which is always exasperated in the warmer months with more pollen about in the air. My youngest has always had sensitive skin and is suffering from eczema and allergic reactions currently and we are trying to pinpoint the cause, but think it may be similar to that of my sensitive skin – pollens and other irritants night the air which always gets worse during spring/summer, weirdly it’s often at night time that our skin flairs up. Thankfully my husband and eldest daughter have none of these issues but could always benefit from cleaner more pure air! And of course, this would be perfect for the new addition to our family arriving in a few weeks time (due December), being able to cool the air in our room for a summer baby (or for me in those last few weeks!) would be perfect.
This would be amazing, I have bad hayfever and allergy induced Asthma. Both my boys have health conditions, so my favourite feature would be theasier fact that the Dyson Pure Hot+Cool Link™ captures gases and 99.95% of fine particles such as allergens and pollutants. I’d love to trial this product and provide feedback for others. Thanks for opportunity.