4.52 out of 5 – Kidspot mums would recommend Nurofen FeverSmart Temperature Monitor to their friends and family.
We’ve been lucky enough to receive 30 kits of the soon to be released Nurofen for Children FeverSmart Temperature Monitor and we want to know your thoughts!
With added benefits for your little one, this innovative new wearable baby monitor is designed to allow parents to continuously and accurately monitor their child’s fever without disturbing their sleep.
This discreet, non-invasive device gently attaches to your baby’s underarm using an adhesive strip made from medical grade silicone that provides pain-free removal. It then transmits your baby’s temperature continuously to a free app on your smartphone or other device that will notify you if your baby’s temperature is in the high range (if push notifications are enabled).
The highlights:
- Suitable for children aged 0 – 3 years
- Automatic push notifications to a free app when temperature is outside of normal range
- Tracks symptoms and medication
- App allows you to create individual profiles so you can monitor your children individually
- FeverSmart uses low energy Bluetooth, with emissions considerably lower than phones and other household items
- The Bluetooth range is up to 40m in open sight. The base station should be within 1.5m of the monitor
Hitting the shelves mid-Feb 2018 (so consider this your VIP insight), the FeverSmart Monitor retails at $149.99 and will be available at local pharmacies and baby outlets.

Remember: it is important to check on your child as well to monitor any other symptoms they may be exhibiting.
Always read the label. Use only as directed. Incorrect use could be harmful. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional.
We gave 30 families the opportunity to see how the Nurofen for Children FeverSmart Temperature Monitor could work for their family. Watch for their feedback below.
Photos of the Nurofen FeverSmart Temperature Monitor in action
This Nurofen for Children FeverSmart Temperature Monitor would be great for my 12 months old daughter. The traditional thermometers does not work well with her as she keeps pulling it out of her armpits whenever we take her temperature. Three times she has come down with fever over the last couple of week from being at day care but we could not give an accurate reading to the Plunket nurse on the phone because she didnt like the thermometer being wedge under her arms.
This product would be great to trial and hopefully solve the issue.
WOW this product looks amazing. I find taking the temperate of Miss 23 months very difficult. I find I can never get a very good reading of her temperature. It would be great to know I could get an accurate reading without upsetting her. Would love to try and review this product.
I would love to be chosen to trial the Nurofen for Children FeverSmart Temperature Monitor. My little girl is 11 months and is teething a lot lately which can sometimes disguise the symptoms of something potentially a lot more sinister. I believe this innovative device would give me the peace of mind I need to ensure I step in with appropriate medication when necessary. It is always extremely tricky to correctly monitor a baby’s temperature, especially when they are feeling under the weather. I believe Nurofen’s FeverSmart would be just the tool I need to make the task of monitoring my baby as pain-free as possible.It is great to see how technology can benefit both babies and parents.
This would be an amazing to try! I’m sick of dealing with cheap thermometers that the batteries seem to die in every time I go to use them on one of my kids, and living in a small town it’s not easy just to go and get a new one after hours. Would really appreciate being able to review one of these 🙂
Would absolutely love to be considered to review this amazing product. Wish this was on the market 5 years ago when I has my eldest daughter. I’d love to review this epic product with miss 2 who hates having her temp taken but a standard thermometer and this would be perfect with winter nearing. Thanks for the consideration
THis would be amazing to try. As a dad I worry alot about my daughters when they get sick. I have a 2 year old and a 9 month old. My eldest has just started at daycare and already has a snotty nose but when she gets sick she quite often gets temperatures in the 40 degree range and if we miss it early things escalate very quickly. I have tried numerous thermometers but she’s very stubborn and it makes it really hard to get accurate readings. It also means I spend a lot of nights up and down checking her temps .. this is just the type of thing I’ve been searching for ! Especially with change of season coming and lots of germs about!
Would be great to try this out, especially for Mr 22mo, who is super active and wriggly. It’s hard to pin him down, even when he isn’t feeling so great, to get his temperature taken! Our existing thermometer isn’t great – the readings are fairly accurate but the battery drains so so quickly.
FANTASTIC! This would be so good! Both my kids are a nightmare to get temperature readings off. I would love to trial this product. So good that you don’t have to disturb them to check their temp.
Have a 2yr old who is a terrible sleeper and a wee boy due in a few weeks. This would be a great addition to our family, in particular for my husband. As a Practice Nurse it would offer me great first hand experience to pass onto parents
Would love to try this for my 2 year old. She is quite stubborn when checking her temp so doing it easily would be alot easier on everyone, especially in this muggy hot weather its hard to know if theor just hot or a fever.
This product sounds amazing. We would love the opportunity to trial this product. I have 3 children and this would be perfect, especially for my youngest.
My 2 year old son suffered from Ear infections (basically every 2-3weeks) we are on the waiting list for grommets… he gets very high temps each infection! He hates having his temp taken and Inormally have to guess it until we end up at the doctor! This would be amazing to try – Such a neat idea to monitor your baby without waking them! This would defiantly be well used by him!
I would love to be able to trial this product. Miss 17 months is a really light sleeper, and this would make taking her temperature while she is sleeping so much easier. I always worry about her when she is unwell and always check on her to make sure she is not to hot, but unfortunately more often than not I end up waking her up. This would stop me having to touch her and unsettle her.
This would be perfect for our just turned 2 year old as he doesn’t like having his temperature taken. With 2 older brothers at primary school and kindy our wee guy is picking up all the bugs, we’ve had lots of strep in our house with tonsil and adenoid issues and just got over a nasty virus and this would’ve been so helpful as he had a very high temp for a week. Being a busy Mum of 3 active boys anything that can help me out with caring for my son is worth trying. With winter ills and chills likely coming up soon we would really appreciate the opportunity to trial this product. Thanks
Yes please. I would love to trial this for you. I am simply a worry wart. Especially with my children. This would help give me piece of mind.
I would love to trial this product as just the other night miss 13mths had a terrible fever and once I had given her medicine to bring the fever down I was constantly up rousing her to keep an eye on it, having this technology available would’ve definitely made our night much easier. I know a few friends that would also benefit from this so would be great to be able to tell them about it.
My 2 year old is prone to getting bronchiolitis and viral wheezing – she has been in and out of hospital nearly all year round. This would be fantastic for keeping an eye on her temperature over night without disturbing her sleep
Would love to try this for my 2 year old. She is quite stubborn when checking her temp so doing it easily while she is sleeping would be a god send.
This would be an absolute godsend! Fevers are a scary thing and being able to monitor through the night without having to wake would be AMAZING! This sounds like a brilliant set up and would love to review.
I would love to trial this product. I find I struggle to correctly monitor my baby’s temperature when he’s ill, & this would help instill greater confidence.
I’m usually worried enough when he’s sick so taking something like correctly monitoring and recording temperature off my hands would allow me to focus on getting him better instead of stressing over if I’m measuring the temperature correctly.
This product looks like a godsend!
This would be great for our 12 month old daughter. She is constantly picking up colds etc from daycare. She is always on the move and it is so hard to try get her temperature!
This would be a perfect product for us to try! We are currently going through the 2 year molar situation with our daughter and she has a temperature randomly because of them. As any parent knows, monitoring this sort of thing is extremely important when our little ones are under the weather. This would be very useful!
Would love to trial this with 2 small ones it can be a mission to check their tempratures (Miss 18months doesn’t sit still ) Would be awesome to be able to monitor them while they slept, as we all know sleeping when ill is important to help the body fight the bugs, would be great to monitor without the risk of waking them, this sounds like a fantastic invention!
I’d love to try this out for my little girl! She has problems with her asthma whenever she gets a cold, and it would be great to be able to track and monitor the changes in her temperature. She also reacently got over tuburculosis so I’d love something like this for peace of mind, such a great idea to have something that connects to an app on your phone – finally!
This sounds like an amazing idea! My 20month old is constantly picking up colds and sickness from daycare and has only recently started sleeping through the night by herself. I could use Something Like This so I Don’t Have To disrupt Her Sleep Patterns Everytime She Gets sick. 🙏
My son is coming up 2 in May and he has already had a case of tonsilitis and only noticed because he refused to eat then the tempetaures came and he refused to sit still long enough until he went to see the Mr Man Doctor. This would be amazing for the instances when he will be feeling unwell in the future and i would love to see how it works
This would be great for my 18month old. She is terrible at letting me check her temp & only sits still for a doctor 🙁
I would love to trial the Fever Smart temperature monitor! I have a nearly 2 year old and a 4 month old and I struggle to get an accurate reading when taking their temps. My 4 month old is a wriggle monster and has just started teething so its near impossible to get his temp right. My toddler thinks her world is ending whenever I try to keep her still long enough to get a proper reading. With winter approaching I know we will likely be hit hard with illness and it would give me peace of mind knowing that the readings are accurate so I can best look after my littlies.
This temperature monitor would be amazing opportunity for my family. My 18 month daughter absolute hates having her temperature taken. Every time we have to take it, it is such a mission as she screams and we have to hold her down to take it. Because she wriggles so much we can never tell how accurate the temperature actually is. I am due with my second daughter at the beginning of winter and this would just make our lives so much easier.
this would be wonderful as my 5 month old baby is always sick and also going through teething at the moment ahhhh.