Kidspot families joined our free product trial to discover how drinking one bottle of Yakult daily is a refreshing way to include probiotics in their family’s diet. Drinking one bottle daily is an easy way to restore and maintain the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut.
What is Yakult?
Yakult is a fermented milk drink that contains a very high concentration of the unique bacteria Lacticaseibacillus paracasei Shirota (LcS) strain.
The beneficial bacteria strain in Yakult is scientifically proven to survive the journey through the gastric juices to reach the small intestine alive. Each 65ml bottle contains 6.5 billion of these highly acid-resistant bacteria, exclusive to Yakult. This means that every millilitre of Yakult contains 100 million (100, 000, 000) of the live LcS strain!
Yakult LIGHT contains the same high numbers of beneficial LcS bacteria and flavour as Yakult Original.
How is Yakult made?
Yakult and Yakult LIGHT is made fresh in Australia from at least 99% and 88% Australian ingredients respectively, by locals for locals.
Probiotics are live beneficial bacteria that help the overall balance of bacteria in the digestive system. However, not all probiotics are created equal!
Yakult is the only product in the world to contain the unique LcS probiotic bacteria. The LcS strain has over 85 years of scientific research behind its benefits and efficacy. It has been proven to:
- Survives and reach the intestines alive
- Positively alter the balance, by increasing the number of beneficial gut bacteria
- Improve stool consistency
How do I get these benefits?
To be able to experience the benefit of Yakult, consistency is key! Probiotic bacteria don’t stay in the gut long-term. Drinking one bottle of Yakult daily is the best way to ensure you obtain and maintain the LcS benefits. Probiotics require time to take action – it is recommended that Yakult is consumed daily for at least two weeks to allow for the bacteria to begin influencing your health.
Dietary notes
Yakult is suitable for individuals following a vegetarian diet who consume milk-based products such as milk, cheese and yoghurt. However, Yakult may not be appropriate for individuals following a vegan diet as Yakult contains skim milk powder. Individuals who experience allergies to dairy, cow’s milk protein or those with sensitivity to citrus should not drink Yakult.
Read the reviews!
We gave five Auckland families the chance to trial and review Yakult LIGHT. Every family member (adults and children) was asked to drink a bottle of Yakult LIGHT every day for two weeks. Read their reviews below.
Reviewer: Jtnz
Thanks for the opportunity to be a reviewer for the Yakult LIGHT for my family of two girls age 12 and 10. We enjoyed trying these over the last couple of weeks.
My husband, one of my daughters and I really enjoyed the taste and ease of having these probiotic drinks daily during the trial. The other child didn’t enjoy the taste as much so it was harder to get her to enjoy these every day.
The little bottles are easy to open and very easy to drink so it’s a great way to get probiotics as well as the light version having less sugar.
I don’t think that I would continue drinking these daily. However I think these would be great to add to our regular shop to have in the fridge to drink a couple a week and still enjoy the probiotic benefits. Would recommend.

Reviewer: Stepanka
First of all let me say, I’m a big believer in probiotics.
We have never tried Yakult before so this was our first time. Mum 47, Dad 54, kids 10 and 7 (both of them only just after their birthdays). All of us love the taste, mainly my 10 year daughter. It was little bit fiddly to open for their little hands but after a couple of tries they mastered it. My little boy is a fussy eater (well… He doesn’t eat fruit so maybe not too fussy). My daughter has sensitive skin, growing out of dairy and egg sensitivity, but she can handle dairy pretty good now. Dad…not a fussy eater, just bad habits
. Myself….not fussy at all but after a gallbladder removal surgery so should pay attention what I put in me. I myself have noticed much less of a bloated feeling which is so good!
I couldn’t really spot much of a difference in my kids, but I know it did them good, very good. And Dad …after a week of consuming Yakult, he became more regular. All in all, I love knowing we did something good for all of us, I will definitely purchase again, maybe not all the time, but regularly enough.
And yes, I would highly recommend!

Reviewer: Mibold
My family was lucky enough to trial this product I have to say I was somewhat sceptical having not tried this product but having walked past it many times in my local supermarket.
We all tried it my two kids said “no mum not for us “they just did not come around to the taste so maybe the Yakult Original might be better for my son and daughter so I am going to purchase a pack of Yakult Original to see if any different.
My husband and I however thought it was perfectly tasty and easy to fit into each of our morning routines and have [regularly] had it each morning before breakfast and I have to say I feel it has really made a difference to our general feeling of well-being as I feel I just have more energy not so tired and bloated overall just feel better and my husband feels the same.

I will definitely be purchasing this product and not just walking past this in my local supermarket as I really do feel it makes such an improvement to my everyday wellbeing and like I mentioned I am going to try my kids on the Yakult Original to see if that one is more to their liking.
Thank you for the opportunity to trial this product I feel everyone should give it a try and see for themselves the difference it can do for your health.

Reviewer: Maddiemummy
Our family was privileged to take part in the trial. There are four of us in our family, two adults, an 11 year old and 17 year old. Our 11 year old wasn’t overly enthused about the flavour. She said she was expecting it to be sweet but instead it was a bit tangy for her. She continued the trial though. Our 17 year old on the other hand loved the flavour and the first thing she would go for in the morning is her Yakult. She also enjoyed looking through the recipe booklet provided and decided to tweek the icecream recipe and use Yakult in berry icecream, on the days she made icecream she obviously had more than one bottle per day.
Mum loved the flavour and continued with the trial. Dad took the Yakult for 3 or 4 days then decided he didn’t like the flavour. Miss 17 was pleased as it meant left over bottles for her icecreams!
Overall, I would continue purchasing Yakult LIGHT for the children as I believe there has been clear benefits. It is on the pricy side though so a bit unaffordable for the whole family to consume. If Dad were to have it, we would get the Yakult Original and see how he is with that.

Reviewer: Katnaylan
We were lucky enough to try Yakult LIGHT. Our family of 4. Two adults, a 4 year old and a 6 year old.
The flavour was nice, sweet but not too much. They are the perfect size to drink in the mornings. All members of the whānau enjoyed drinking these and found them to help with regularity, and reducing wind.
We will 100% continue to use these daily, as they have really helped our whānau.
The youngest was unlucky enough to need IV antibiotics during the trial, and [I believe] these helped his tummy cope with the strong medication, and not leaving it sore or upset.
Reviewer notes
- By registering for this product trial, you agree to the terms and conditions. Please note that comments, images, or videos provided by reviewers may be used by Yakult on their website and social media channels to promote the product.
- Kidspot Terms and Conditions apply, including: Open to Kidspot members 18+ only. Only available for NZ residents. If you are selected, you will be required to use the product as soon as possible and supply a review, as set out in our review instructions. Your name, address, and contact phone number will be given to the supplier for the purpose of delivery.
Hi there! We are a family of 3 and are always keen to try new things. I love yakult and have drunk it alot growing up so I would love to try the new yakult! I’m sure my family would too.
My family would love to try these. Mixed aged family.
We are a family of 5 (Mr 7, Mr 5, Mr 4). The younger two are rather picky and I’ve yet to convince them yoghurt tastes good (its the consistency that they don’t like) while it is hard to get the oldest to sit down long enough to have a proper meal! Would be keen to give Yakult a try! 🙂
I’d love the opportunity to trial this product. There are me and my Partner and our two boys age 8 and 10. I am always looking at ways to improve our family’s diet and overall health and wellbeing. The probiotics for gut health would be a fabulous addition to our diet.
We would love to try yakult light for our boys especially and for me and my husband too. We are family of four and we used to buy yakult for my son when he was little but stopped. My younger son has a gut problems and often has a diarrhoea and yakult light would help him a lot to add extra probiotics into his diet.
Thank you.
We are a family of 3, id love to try this for the whole family because we are having heaps of gut issues at the moment especially my child, i’ve been giving him probiotics drops but this reminded me I should get him Yakult
Family of five here
I have very hungry, yoghurt loving twins aged 5 and an equally yoghurt loving seven year old and two adults, we’ve both been trying to get on the health wagon so this would be perfect
Family of 5 based in Auckland. 8yo twins and a 3yo. We would love to be part of the trial.
Hi there
We are a family of 3 Adults and 1 Child we are wanting to get heathier as a family together and learn good nutritional habits
Hello, our family of 2 adults and one 6yo child would like to trial your product Yakult. We would certainly benefit as a busy family who don’t always eat right all the time. We also suffer from allergies and I feel that having balanced gut bacteria would make a real difference. Thank you
Our family of 4 would love the chance to trial Yukalt Light
As a mother of an extremely fussy 4 year old son, it’s hard to get him to have different foods. I’ve often seen Yakult & think it would be great to trial it to seen how it works & if it works. I would love to trail the yakult for myself & my son.
We have a family of 4 that would love to try this and benefit from the probiotics especially with our youngest who always catching all sorts of strange bugs
My daughter and I would love to trial this Yakult Light product. It would fit nicely with the ‘healthy first’ approach we are trying to apply to our daily eating habits – a challenge in itself with the inflated cost of fresh fruit and vegetables at the moment.
We’re a family of 5 but only 4 of us are willing to trial Yakult Light. My family has mixed age group so it will be interesting to know the obvious effect of drinking Yakult everyday.
Our family of 4 would love to trial these as I always see them in the supermarket and wonder if they are something we would benefit from, a couple of us suffer from digestive issues and I wonder if this may help a bit . Be good to trial before making a commitment . Thankyou
My family of 3 would love to try Yakult Light variety including probiotics in to our healthy diet which we are always trying to improve, it would be an exciting opportunity for us to try Yakult Light drinks, thank you.
My family of 4 would love to try Yalkult and be able to include a probiotic into the whānau diet would be great.!
I have 3 family members. We would love to try Yakult Light because we love the taste of Yakult. We haven’t tried the Yakult Light yet so we are interested in what it tastes like. Yakult is delicious and we would benefit from the probiotics so we would love to try it.