5 Online Education Resources For Curious Minds
Whether you have a child who just loves to learn or you’re home-schooling for a period of time, there are a number of great resources available online that can help educate your child in a fun way.
Whether you have a child who just loves to learn or you’re home-schooling for a period of time, there are a number of great resources available online that can help educate your child in a fun way.
Socialising with other children is a vital part of a child's development. Children need to interact in a social setting and learn skills like sharing. Help make your child's next play date a success with these tips.
Motivate your child to achieve success at school with these tips for parents from psychologist Justin Coulson.
NCEA students are under a lot of pressure and there is so much information to navigate. It’s also a system that is different to when you were at high school. Here are 10 proven ways to help your child thrive within the NCEA years.
Make the most of your investment in a new uniform with our buying tips, plus some of our uniform shopping picks from The Warehouse.
To help get you organised for back to school, we've compiled our essential checklist with helpful tips for a stress-free return to school.
At this time of year, high school students are deciding on their subjects for next year and it can be a minefield for parents helping them decide, particularly for Year 10 students about to enter the world of NCEA.
The world is a dog-eat-dog place but there's no need to toughen up your kids so they can survive. Instead, raising sensitive kids will help them thrive.
Like adults, children can be mean to one another. Sometimes an unkind remark spoken by one child to another can be the catalyst for friendship to crumble.
Following the tragic death of an almost seven year old girl, a coroner has advised against allowing children to walk to school without adult supervision.
If your second child has a habit of driving you up the wall with their behaviour, then it seems that you are not alone in your exasperation with your second offspring.
The Toy Story movies are not just cinematic genius. They also represent an important connection that I share with my children due to a common interest.
Playing with your child is important for their development and also to aid in building strong bonds between you.
Tutors and tutoring programmes provide not only help for kids who need some assistance with their learning, but also extension for those kids who are keen to progress further.
Research suggests that almost a fifth of kids stop frequently reading for fun between the ages of eight and nine years old. Discover tips for keeping them reading.
Bedtimes. They are, and forever will be, a bone of contention for parents and kids. But what is an appropriate time to send the kids off to bed?
How do you help when your child's biggest detractor is ... your child? Dr Justin Coulson gives us some tips for tackling the D-word.
If children or young people have been exposed to the footage of the Christchurch attack, they can be upset or confused about what they may have seen.
Your child may require a bit of guidance when it comes to choosing something they are passionate about. Here are some of the things you can do to unleash your child’s creativity.
Drinking fountains, handball and monkey bars at recess - that's what primary school is all about. One mum muses on what she knows about primary now it's almost over.
Parents tend to be moving away from allowing their children to attend sleepovers. So maybe a 'late-over' is a possibility?
With school resuming for 2019, the topic on a lot of parents' minds seems to be the cost of school uniforms. What can be done about it?
Did those late nights get out of hand during the school holidays? Try these top tips from a sleep expert to get the kids back into a good sleep routine before school starts.
Getting your kids ready to get back to school can be a daunting process. With stationary lists, school shoes, haircuts, bus passes and a stocked pantry with lunch supplies filling the minds of Kiwi parents, many forget one of the most important checks for all children… An eye health check.
Schools around the world are starting to get on board with banning mobile phones from the classroom. Should NZ consider a nationwide ban?
Summer is here and making a splash - but is your family water-safe? YMCA Swim School shares ten tips for swimming safe this summer.
As the digital age progresses, the upcoming generation is obliviously developing inflated egos - as a parent, it is your responsibility to ensure that your kids grow differently by teaching them there is more to life than followers.
Being a teacher ain't easy! Beyond the demand for better working conditions, support and pay, discover what more minor things are also disrupting the happy life of a teacher.
Learning to ride a bike can be difficult, painful and sometimes bloody! Learn tips and tricks for helping kids learn how to ride.
Do you know what the legal ages are that apply to kids and youth, for things like getting a job, being responsible for crime, or being left home alone?