Crunch by Kayla Miller | Kids Book Review

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    Kayla Miller, the New York Times bestselling author-illustrator, returns with a new Olive story! In the new graphic novel Crunch, Olive is balancing the too-many things she wants to do with the too-few hours in the day to do them … When everything adds up, suddenly it’s crunch time!

    It’s no secret that Olive loves trying new things. Between taking guitar lessons, making a short film, joining Berry Scouts and leading the charge on her school’s dress code reform, Olive has her hands full! But she enjoys being busy so staying on track with her jam-packed schedule should be no problem … right?

    As weeks fly by, it gets harder and harder for Olive to find time for her activities, never mind time for herself. Will she be able to accomplish her goals, or will all her sizzle turn to fizzle?

    For more stories in the series, check out Click, Camp, Act and Clash.

    Take a look at the reviews from our Young Readers for Crunch by Kayla Miller below ⬇️

    Book review from Kyra, 9

    I have really enjoyed reading this book, it is funny and it makes me feel happy. The thing I like about it, is that every page is illustrated like a comic and you can easily see who is talking, instead of like a normal book where it has to tell you who is talking each time.

    I also loved how Olive supported all of her friends, especially Willow.

    I recommend this book to anyone who loves graphic novels.

    Crunch by Kayla Miller book review

    Book review from Ihaia, aged 9

    Crunch is the fifth graphic novel in the ‘Click’ series by Kayla Miller. In this book, Olive tries to do too many activities all at once – guitar, making a mini movie for the film fest and accidentally joining the Berry Scouts. Because she’s so busy making her mini movie she forgets to do her guitar practice. Then she doesn’t earn her Berry Scout badge.

    What will she do? Can she handle all these things at once? To find out read Crunch by Kayla Miller.

    Crunch by Kayla Miller book review

    I liked reading Crunch because at the end you got to “watch” the mini movie that Olive made. Olive is a good friend and she learns that sometimes you just can’t do everything. Her character is easy to relate to as Olive goes through a lot of the same things that my friends and I do.

    I would rate it 4 out of 5 stars. If you enjoy this book, don’t forget to go and find the rest of the books in the series.

    Book review from Abigail, 9

    Crunch by Kayla Miller continues the story of Olive. She loves to help others and really enjoys it. She has offered to help her friend Willow with berry scouts and her school with the dress code and also has loads of her own jobs too. Her friends see that she is overwhelmed and offer to help her out. Olive realises that sometimes it’s okay to say No and take care of herself too.

    Crunch by Kayla Miller book review

    Book review from Dani, aged 11

    This was a great book about Olive who is at intermediate and involves herself in too many activities and ends up a bit stressed, which is easy to relate to, and teaches a lesson in managing commitments.

    I love this series by Kayla Miller, they’re my favourite comic style and Olives adventures are fun to read about.

    Crunch by Kayla Miller book review

    Book review from Tomas, aged 10

    Crunch is about a teenage girl called Olive. Just like many children in NZ, Olive is very busy with different activities after school. Olive’s jam-packed schedule may or may not allow her to make the movie she really wants to do. Read this book to see if Olive makes the movie or not.

    I believe this book is aimed at young teens, probably more for girls and people who enjoy graphic novels.

    Crunch by Kayla Miller book review
    Grab your copy of Crunch now!

    Families were provided with a copy of the book for the purposes of the review. Views are those of the reviewers. This article contains information provided by HarperCollins.

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