Set in the world of Puffin the Architect and her friends, the adventures of Moose the Pilot will captivate your little readers – especially fans of flying machines!
Dashing from job to job, Moose the Pilot is a very busy pilot indeed. Never quite finished with one job before another is radioed in!
Rain or shine, or snow, Moose the bush pilot clearly knows how to pilot his plane whatever the weather, doing a number of pick ups and deliveries for all of the animals of his community.
Kiwi has an order of knitted hats to be delivered and Orangutan the Forest Florist needed a box of ribbon. Receiving gifts from his friends at each destination, reshuffling the cargo, and strapping items safely wherever he can find room, Moose lands his plane whatever the terrain and gets the job done!
Moose to the rescue
My little one knew Moose the Pilot instantly from his kindy books and throughly enjoyed Moose’s adventure in the skies delivering parcels, food and folk, with one final adventure interesting him the most – Moose has a rescue! An overnight rescue at that! Moose uses his cargo to stay overnight with his rescue-ees! A campfire, and tent, chocolate fondue and a Sing-along Mega Hits book makes their adventure cosy and fun!
All’s well that ends well of course for Moose the Pilot. This fun, lighthearted read with delightful illustrations by Kimberly Andrews, was a lovely story to read before bed, leaving my little one with big adventurous eyes and lots of questions about planes, delivering parcels by air, and about when our next camping trip will be and all the things we might need for our very own camp-out!
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