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If you’re hoping to become pregnant, being able to predict your two most fertile days of the month is a vital piece of information. We look at your fertility cycle, ovulation, and how you can predict your two most fertile days from the comfort of your home.
In order to become pregnant, sperm and an egg need to meet. Even if you have a regular period, you might not ovulate at the same exact time in every cycle. So how can you find out when you are ovulating and therefore when you are most fertile?
What is ovulation?
Ovulation occurs when one of the ovaries releases an egg. For this to happen, the dominant follicle in the ovary produces more and more oestrogen until levels signal to the brain to cause a significant increase in luteinizing hormone (LH) which causes the release of the egg.
At the same time, the rising oestrogen levels cause the uterus and cervix to produce a special fertile mucus which is designed to help sperm survive and also travel up the fallopian tube to the egg when it is released. In addition, after the oestrogen has been rising for a while, the hormone progesterone has a turn. Its increased level helps the lining of the womb get ready for a potential embryo to attach and grow.
So … your body is busy doing all sorts of things to create and grow a baby. But how can you work out exactly when the lovely mature egg is going to be released by your ovary?
Signs that ovulation is happening

Using a precise thermometer, some people are able to detect a minor 0.2 to 0.3-degree drop in their temperature 12 to 24 hours before ovulation. You might also notice an increase in vaginal mucus or it being thinner and clearer. You may also have an increase in your sexual desire or experience pain on one side of your lower abdomen or back.
However, a clear and measurable sign of imminent ovulation is an increase in a hormone called luteinizing hormone (LH). This occurs when the dominant follicle (egg) in the ovary has produced enough oestrogen that the pituitary gland in the brain then increases the level of luteinizing hormone (LH). This in turn causes the release of the egg about 20 to 44 hours later (the average is 30 hours). The released egg can only be fertilised during the next 24 hours or so. Your most fertile time only lasts for a relatively short length of time each month.
Because you’re most likely to become pregnant if you have intercourse within two days after you detect your LH surge, knowing when that is happening is useful.
Detecting the LH surge
Low levels of LH are always present in your urine but the amount increases dramatically to ‘trigger’ the release of an egg. After around 8 to 12 hours, the increased LH in your blood filters through to your urine, to a level that can be detected by a simple at-home test and it is most likely that ovulation will occur within the next 24 to 36 hours.
The OvuPlan 10 Day Pregnancy Planning Kit
OvuPlan’s ovulation tests predict your two most fertile days and therefore help increase your chances of becoming pregnant. OvuPlan tests detect the surge of LH in your urine which signals when you are likely to ovulate and therefore predicts your two most fertile days.
The kit contains 10 ovulation tests (and 1 pregnancy test), with over 99% accuracy in laboratory tests and is easy to use (similar to using a pregnancy test).
Around ten days before you are likely to ovulate, start using the OvuPlan ovulation tests to detect your LH levels surge. Most women can detect their LH surge within 8-10 days of daily testing. Once you’ve detected your LH surge, Ovulation will occur within the next 24 to 36 hours. You are most likely to become pregnant if you have intercourse within two days after you detect your LH surge.
Generally, ovulation occurs around 10 to 16 days before your period is due. If you have a 28 day cycle, start testing on about day 11 or 12 and continue daily until the LH surge is detected.
The Ovuplan kit has easy to follow instructions and also a table for when to start testing based on the length of your cycle – helpful for those with a longer or shorter cycle.
OvuPlan 10 Day Pregnancy Planning Kit is available from pharmacies nationwide, including Chemist Warehouse and Bargain Chemist.
Always read the label and use as directed. Wilson Consumer Health Auckland. TAPS BG3151
This article was written by Kidspot NZ for Wilson Consumer Products Limited.
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