COVID-19 and Your Children

With the continuing spread of the COVID-19 virusaround the world, we are hoping to avoid widespread community transmission here in New Zealand.  We have a great opportunity to do what we can to contain the spread, while we wait for a vaccine.

Is it colic?

All babies cry - after all, it’s the only method of communication they have. But some babies will be unsettled without apparent reason. How do you know if it's colic or something else?


Earaches commonly occur in babies and small children and can be distressing for them and you.

Whooping Cough

Whooping cough is a very contagious and potentially fatal illness that is also called pertussis. Find out what causes it, how to recognise it and treatment options.

Constipation and your baby

Constipation is bowel motions that are very firm, and look like little pebbles. Quite a lot of babies look like they are concentrating hard or may get very restless when passing a bowel motion. This is normal, providing the bowel motions are soft and there is no blood.

Oral health from 0 to two years

Yes, you need to brush your baby’s teeth with toothpaste that has fluoride in it. Fluoride works by attaching itself to the tooth surface and then becoming a part of the enamel. This outer fluoride-rich layer of enamel is much stronger than regular enamel and helps prevent cavities.

When to call the doctor

Even experienced parents might have an “Is this normal?” adjustment period to their new baby, and question whether something needs their doctor's attention or will clear up in a day or so. If you see any of the following, give your doctor a call:

Jaundice in babies

Around 60 per cent of full-term babies (born after 38 weeks of pregnancy) exhibit signs of jaundice. Jaundice can be more likely in premature or sick babies. Jaundice comes from high levels of a chemical called bilirubin in your baby’s body.

What is botulism

Botulism is a rare but serious illness. A bacterium called Clostridium botulinum - which naturally occurs in soil - creates the toxin that causes botulism. There are several kinds of botulism:

Baby nose care

The inside of the nose is self-cleaning and needs no special care. If your baby has any discharge, wipe it from the outside, but resist using cotton balls or your fingernail to try to remove it from the nostril – you might damage the nasal membranes. Newborns often have snuffly breathing because their nasal passages are very narrow. Frequent sneezing will help your baby to clear any blockages from his nasal cavity.

Baby ear care

The first thing to remember when it comes to ear care is ‘less is more’. Don’t go poking around in your child’s ears as you may do serious harm to the ear drum. The ear is naturally self-cleaning, and trying to remove wax by probing may only force it further into the ear.

Understanding your baby’s reflux

Reflux in babies is a common condition. Learn more about your infant's reflux and how to manage the symptoms in Kidspot's New Zealand's comprehensive family health section.